Preserving process results using the Archive Wizard

You may need to preserve (archive) documents that the process creates (for example, the approved forms). The Archive wizard guides you through the steps of adding a set of archiving operations to your current process. These operations preserve (archive) a document in various ways, such as printing it or saving it to a file system. A document to be archived can be a form or another type of document, such as a spreadsheet. The wizard also provides the option of converting the document to a PDF before storing it.

Upon completion, the wizard creates a fully functional part of the process that contains operations that correspond to the selected archival methods. Properties for each operation and route in the process are set based on the options selected in the wizard. The wizard also creates all variables that are required to run the process.

To start the Archive wizard:

Drag the Archive wizard icon  from the Activity toolbar to the process diagram.

The Archive wizard provides the following methods of archiving:

The document is sent as an email attachment to the specified recipients. (See Archive wizard: Email server properties and Archive wizard: Email address properties .)

Saving to a file system:
The document is saved in the AEM forms Server file system with the specified name. (See Archive wizard: File system properties .)

Saving to Content Store:
The document is saved to the specified content store by using the specified node name. (See Archive wizard: Content services properties.)

The document is prepared to be printed on the specified postscript printer. (See Archive wizard: Printer properties .)

You can select any combination of these archival methods. Depending on the selected methods, the wizard presents one or two panels per method, where you can provide detailed information. Only the panels that are related to the selected archival methods are included in the wizard.

If you do not have a required service installed, related methods are not available, as detailed in this table.

Service not installed

Options not available

Generate PDF

Convert to PDF

Print to Printer


Convert to PDF

Convert PDF

Print to Printer

Document Management

Save to Content Store


Print to Printer


Convert to PDF

Convert to PDFA

You can enter most of the settings either as a literal value or as an XPath expression:

  • To enter a literal value, select literal from the list beside the setting. Then, either type the value, select it from the list, or click the folder icon  and select the value from the listed applications.

  • To configure an XPath expression, select xpath from the list beside the setting, click the folder icon  , and build the expression. (See Creating XPath expressions .)

Remarque : When a process created using Archive Wizard references a document that is located in a local application, after creating a new version of this process, the reference is broken. You must manually update the reference to the correct version of the document.

Archive wizard: Document and archival method properties

In the Document Selection and Archive Options panel, specify the document to be stored and the storing methods.

Select a document to archive

Provide information about the document that you want to archive at the end of the process.

The document to archive. If you provide a literal value, this document must be part of an application. (See Working with Applications .)

The form to archive. If you provide a literal value, this form must be part of an application. (See Working with Applications .)

The variable that holds form data. If you already have this variable configured in your process, select it from the list. To configure a new variable, click the plus sign (+) icon beside the list and create a variable in the Variable dialog box. (See Creating variables .).

Conversion options

Select the format for the archived document.

The document is converted to PDF before it is archived. Selecting this option adds the invokeDDX operation to the process diagram. (See invokeDDX operation .)
Remarque : This option is not available if you selected Document and do not have the Generate PDF and Assembler services installed on the server, or if you selected Form and do not have the Output service installed on the server.

The document is archived in the PDF/A format. The PDF/A format is used for the long term archiving of electronic documents. The Assembler service supports the PDF/A format.

The document is archived in its original format.

The PDF option is not available when either one of the following conditions is true:

  • You selected the Document option, and you do not have the Generate PDF and Assembler services installed on the server.

  • You selected the Form option, and you do not have the Output service installed on the server.

    The PDFA option is not available when either one of the following conditions is true:

  • You selected the Document option, and you do not have the Generate PDF and Assembler services installed on the server.

  • You selected the Form data, and you do not have the Forms, Output, and Assembler services installed on the server.

How do you want to archive the document?

Select any combination of the following storage options:

The document is sent by email to specified addresses. Selecting this option adds the sendWithDocument operation to the process diagram. (See Send With Document operation .)

Save to File System on Server:
The document is saved at the specified location on the file system. Selecting this option adds the writeDocument operation to the process diagram. (See Write Document operation .)

Save to Content Store:
The document is saved in the specified content space. Selecting this option adds the storeContent operation to the process diagram. (See storeContent.)

Print to Printer:
The document is configured and printed on the specified postscript printer. Selecting this option adds the toPS2 and sendToPrinter operations to the process diagram. (See toPS2 operation and sendToPrinter operation .)

Archive wizard: Email server properties

In the Email Server Settings panel, provide information required for connecting to an SMTP server.

SMTP Host:
The IP address or URL of the SMTP server (for example, localhost, or

SMTP Port:
The port that is used to connect to the SMTP server.

Sender Email Address:
The email address that is associated with the email user account that is sending the email message.

SMTP Authenticate:
Whether the user authentication is required to connect to the SMTP server.

SMTP User:
The name of the user account that is required to log in to the SMTP server.

SMTP User Password:
The password that is associated with the SMTP user account.

Security Protocol:
The security protocol to use for connecting to the SMTP server:
No protocol is used (data is sent in clear text).

Secure Sockets Layer protocol is used.

Transport Layer Security is used.

Archive wizard: Email address properties

In the Email Address Settings panel, provide email addresses for the email recipients. Also, configure the subject and text of the email message.

Remarque : Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
One or more email addresses to send the email message to.

One or more email addresses to send a copy of the email message to.

One or more email addresses to send a copy of the email message to. The addresses are hidden from other recipients of the email message.

The text to use for the email message subject.

The text of the email message.

Attachment Name:
The filename to use for the attachment. Include the filename extension if the email message receiver must associate the file with the software to open it.

Archive wizard: File system properties

In the File System Settings panel, specify the place in the AEM forms Server file system where you want to save the document.

File Path:
A fully qualified path to the file location in the AEM forms Server file system. The path must end with a forward slash (/) or a backslash (\) (for example, C:/Archives/).

File Name:
The name of the file to save.

Archive wizard: Printer properties

In the Printer Settings panel, provide information about the printer to use for printing the document.

Printer Server URI:
The URI of the print server to use. The AEM forms Server must have access to the print server.

Printer Name:
The name of a particular printer on the specified print server.

Archive wizard: Summary

The last panel in the Archive wizard contains a summary of the selected configuration options. Review this summary carefully and, if necessary, use the Back button to return to the previous panels and correct any errors.

When you are sure that all information is correct, click Finish to create the process.

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