
A complex data type that represents options to control how the Output service generates output, such as setting XCI options or caching form designs in order to improve performance. RenderOptionsSpec-OutputService variables are used to configure the Render Options property in the generatePDFOutput (deprecated) operation of the Output service.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings .

Data items

The data items that RenderOptionsSpec-OutputService variables contain.


A boolean value that determines whether the Output service should cache a form design to improve performance. A value of true indicates that caching is performed and false indicates that caching is not performed.

When caching is performed, a form design is cached the first time it is used to generate PDF document output. The next time the form design is used to generate PDF document output, the Output service determines whether the cached form design is newer than the non-cached form design by comparing timestamps. If the cached form design is newer, it is retrieved from the cache.

This option works only with the caching property of the form design. (See Designer Help .)


A boolean value that determines whether debug-level logging is performed. A value of true indicates that debug-level logging is performed, and false indicates that the default level of logging is performed.


A boolean value that indicates whether the Output service produces a linearized PDF form (optimized for web applications). A value of true indicates the PDF form is linearized and false indicates it is not linearized.

A linearized PDF document is organized to enable incremental access for network applications. For example, a linearized PDF document can be displayed in a web browser before the entire PDF document is downloaded.


A string representation of the options that are set.


A string value that represents the PDF/A document amendment identifier. This value also specifies the year that is separated from the amendment identifier value by a colon.

For information about the PDF/A document amendment value, see Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation specification (ISO-19005-1:2005).


A PDFAConformance value that represents the PDF/A conformance level to use, as specified in the PDF/A-1 ISO specification. The conformance level refers to how a PDF document adheres to requirements that specify how long-term electronic documents are preserved.

For information about level A and B conformance, see Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation specification (ISO-19005-1:2005).


An PDFARevisionNumber value that specifies the revision number of a PDF/A document. (See Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation specification (ISO-19005-1:2005)).


A string value that represents the PDF version value that represents the PDF version to output (when formPreference is PDFForm or PDFMerge).

These values are valid:

  • 1.5

  • 1.6

  • /A

Acrobat 6 supports PDF version 1.5. Acrobat 7 and Acrobat 8 supports PDF version 1.6. The value /A specifies a standard for archiving electronic documents (see Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation specification (ISO-19005-1:2005)). This value embeds all the fonts and turns off compression. A PDF/A document is much larger than a standard PDF document.


A string value that determines whether PDF content is rendered on the client application by using Acrobat 7.0 or later or on the server.


A RetainSignatureField value that specifies whether signature fields remain interactive after the PDF document is flattened.


A boolean value that determines whether the Output service produces a tagged PDF form. A value of true indicates a tagged PDF is produced and a value of false indicates the PDF is not tagged.

Tags in a PDF form define a set of standard structure types and attributes that allow page content (text, graphics, and images) to be extracted and reused for other purposes. It is intended for use by tools that perform the following types of operations:

  • Simple extraction of text and graphics for pasting into other applications.

  • Automatic reflow of text and associated graphics to fit a page of a different size than was assumed for the original layout.

  • Processing text for such purposes as searching, indexing, and spell-checking.

  • Conversion to other common file formats (such as HTML, XML, and RTF) with document structure and basic styling information preserved.

  • Making content accessible by screen reader software.

Tagged PDF files are not supported in PDF versions earlier than version 1.4.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for setting options for generating a PDF document.

Acrobat Version

Sets a value to specify the Acrobat version that is required to view the PDF form that is rendered. Select one of these values:

Acrobat and Adobe Reader 6 or later:
PDF Version 1.5 is used to generate the PDF document.

Acrobat and Adobe Reader 7.0 or later:
PDF Version 1.6 is used to generate the PDF document.

Acrobat and Adobe Reader 7.0.5 or later:
PDF Version 1.65 is used to generate the PDF document.

Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8 or later:
PDF Version 1.7 is used to generate the PDF document.

Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8.1 or later:
PDF Version 1.7-ADBE-1 is used to generate the PDF document.

Acrobat and Adobe Reader 9 or later:
PDF Version 1.7-ADBE-3 is used to generate the PDF document.

(Default) The Target Version setting in the form design determines the minimum version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader. In addition, the form design determines the PDF version.

Tagged PDF

Sets whether to create a tagged Adobe PDF form. A tagged PDF form defines a set of standard structure types and attributes that support the extraction of page content and reuse for other purposes. It is intended for use by client applications that perform the following types of operations:

  • Simple extraction of text and graphics for pasting into other applications.

    • Automatic reflow of text and associated graphics to fit a page of a different size than was assumed for the original layout.

    • Processing text for such purposes as searching, indexing, and spell-checking.

  • Conversion to other common file formats (such as HTML, XML, and RTF) with document structure and basic styling information preserved.

  • Making content accessible by screen reader software.

Select one of these values:

(Default) Do not render a tagged PDF form.

Render a tagged PDF form. This value is not valid for PDF/A output because PDF/A 1A is always tagged and PDF/A 1B is never tagged.

Linearized PDF

Sets whether to render a linearized PDF form. A linearized PDF form is organized so that it supports incremental access in a network environment. For example, a linearized PDF can be displayed in a web browser before the entire PDF document is downloaded. Select one of these values:

(Default) Do not render a linearized PDF form. It is best to use this option for non-web applications.

Render a linearized PDF form. It is best to use this option for optimized web applications.

Render At Client

Sets whether to enable the delivery of PDF content by using the client-side rendering capability of Acrobat 7.0 or Adobe Reader 7.0 and later. Client-side rendering improves the performance of the Forms service. Select one of these values:

(Default) The Output service determines the form rendition based on the setting in the form design.

A dynamic PDF form is generated and rendering occurs in Acrobat. Rendering of a dynamic form occurs only in Acrobat 7.0 or later. For earlier version of Acrobat, no rendering occurs.

A static PDF form is generated. No rendering on the client occurs.

Retain Signature Field

Sets whether Signature Fields are retained in the output. Select one of these values:

Signed field and unsigned signature fields become non-interactive when the PDF file is flattened.

Signed fields and unsigned signature fields are remain interactive when the PDF file is flattened.

Signed Signature Fields:
Unsigned signature fields become non-interactive. Signed signature fields remain interactive when the PDF file is flattened.

Unsigned Signature Field Only:
Signed signature fields become non-interactive. Unsigned signature fields are remain interactive when the PDF file is flattened.

Debug Enabled

Sets whether debugging-level logging is turned on. Debug-level logging provides more information in the J2EE application server's log file for debugging. Select one of these values:

Debug-level logging is performed,

(Default) Default level of logging is performed.

PDF/A Revision Number

Sets version for the PDF/A revision number. The default is Revision_1.

PDF/A Conformance

Sets the conformance level with the PDF/A-1 specification to use for archival and long-term preservation of electronic documents. Select one of these values:

(Default) Level A conformance specifies complete conformance with ISO 19005. The PDF file is generated using PDF 1.4 and all colors are converted to either CMYK or RGB. These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat and Adobe Reader 5.0 and later.

Level B conformance specifies minimal compliance with ISO 19005. The PDF file is generated with all fonts embedded, the appropriate PDF bounding boxes specified, and colors as CMYK, spot colors, or both. Compliant files must contain information describing the printing condition they are prepared for. PDF files created with PDF/X-1a compliance can be opened in Acrobat 4.0 and Adobe Reader 4.0 and later.

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