
A complex data type used by the Apply Usage Rights operation operation of the Acrobat Reader DC extensions service. This data type represents individual usage rights that you can apply to a PDF document and the message that appears when the rights-enabled PDF document is opened in Adobe Reader.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings .

Data items

The data items that ReaderExtensionsOptionSpec variables contain.


A string value that contains the message that appears when the right-enabled PDF document is opened in Adobe Reader.


A boolean value that specifies whether mode is set to final. The default value of true means that mode is set to final and the count of the credential used to apply usage rights to a PDF document is incremented. A value of false means that mode is not set to final.


A UsageRights value that is used to specify usage rights when the user works with the PDF document in Adobe Reader. UsageRights can be one of these values:

A boolean value that indicates whether the PDF document supports barcoded forms decoding within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can create and modify document annotations such as comments within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can upload and download annotations such as comments to and from an online document review and comment server.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can digitally sign and save PDF documents and clear digital signatures within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can add, change, or delete fields and field properties on the PDF form within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can create pages from the form template for forms created in Acrobat.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can add, remove, modify, or export files attached to a PDF document within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can add, remove, modify, or export files attached to a PDF document within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can fill form fields and save the PDF document locally from within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can access the database or call the web service that is defined within the PDF document.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can submit data to a server by email or offline.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for configuring usage rights for a PDF document.

Basic Form Fill-in

Determines whether basic form fill-in capabilities are allowed in the PDF document. When selected, basic form fill-in is allowed.

Import and Export Form Data

Determines whether form data can be imported or exported from a file. When selected, importing and exporting form data is permitted.

Submit Outside Web Browser

Determines whether a PDF document can be submitted outside a web browser. When selected, a user is permitted to submit a PDF document.

Database and Web Service Connectivity

Determines whether a PDF document can be used as an online form. When selected, a user is permitted to use a PDF document as an online form.

Add, Delete, and Change Form Fields

Determines whether existing filled-in form fields can be edited in the PDF document. When selected, existing form fields can be edited in a PDF document.

Create Pages From Templates

Determines whether adding new pages from existing templates in the PDF document is permitted. When selected, a user is permitted to add new pages from existing templates.

2D Barcode Decoding

Determines whether two-dimensional barcode decoding is permitted in the PDF document. When selected, two-dimensional barcode decoding is permitted.

Digital Signatures

Determines whether adding digital signatures to the PDF document is permitted. When selected, a user can add digital signature to a PDF document.


Determines whether offline commenting of the PDF document is permitted. When selected, offline commenting is permitted.

Online Commenting

Determines whether online commenting of the PDF document is permitted. When selected, online commenting is permitted.

Embedded File Attachments

Determines whether to permit adding attachments to the PDF document. When selected, attachments can be added to a PDF document.


Determines whether the user is allowed to save the PDF document as a draft copy. When selected, a PDF document can be saved as a draft copy.

Reader Message

A message that represents the text displayed within Adobe Reader to inform users that the PDF document contains usage rights.

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