
A complex data type that contains information for configuring the Position Rectangle property of the Add Visible Signature Field operation operation that the Signature service provides. The data type represents the position and size of the signature field rectangle in a PDF document. The specified rectangle must be located, at least partially, within the page's crop box. The lower-left x and y values are relative to the crop box of the page.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings .

Data items

The data items that PositionRectangle variables contain.


An int value that represents the height of the signature field. This value must be greater than zero.


An int value that represents the lower-left x-coordinate of the signature field. It cannot be a negative value.


An int value that represents the lower-left y-coordinate of the signature field. It cannot be a negative value.


An int value that represents the width of the signature field. This value must be greater than zero.

Datatype specific settings

Properties for configuring the position of the signature field rectangle.

Lower Left X

Sets the lower-left X position of the signature field. The value cannot be zero or a negative number and is relative to the crop box of the page. The default value is 1 .

Lower Left Y

Sets the lower-left X position of the signature field. The value cannot be zero or a negative number and is relative to the crop box of the page. The default value is 1 .


Sets the height of the signature field. The value cannot be zero or a negative number. The default value is 100 .


Sets the width of the signature field. The value cannot be zero or a negative number. The default value is 100 .

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