Building XPath expressions that use Common Variables
Common variables are common, and available to all long-lived
processes whereas process variables are only available to a specific
process. Common variables can be utilized in a process for tracking
purposes and to search for processes in Workspace.
You can also build expressions with nodes of XML variables that
conform to an XSD that references XSD files.
To build an expression that uses common variables:
Navigate the common data tree to locate the item that you
want to include in the expression.
Choose either of these ways to add the item to the expression:
Select the item and click Insert Selection.
Remarque :
To build
expressions that contain nodes of XML variables that conform to an
XSD that references XSD files, drill down to the nodes as desired
in the XPATH builder.
Double-click the item.
Repeat step 2 as required.
When the expression is complete, click OK.
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