Creating approval processes using Approval wizard

* New for 9.5 *

The Approval wizard guides you through the process of adding a User 2.0 operation for a document review and approval process. (See Document review and approval processes .)

Upon completion, the wizard adds a configured Assign Task or Assign Multiple Tasks operation ( User 2.0 service) to the process map. For serial reviews, a Set Value operation is added to the process map. Properties for the User 2.0 operation are set based on the options selected in the wizard. The wizard also creates all variables for the operation, which include:

After the wizard completes, you can add variables, start points, and operations to complete your process map.

Create a process using the Approval wizard

Drag the Approval wizard icon Approval button from the Activity toolbar to the process diagram.

The Approval wizard provides the following options to configure the task:

Select A Form For Approval:
You can choose to use a document variable or an existing form and its data to merge. The option you choose displays the form or PDF document to the user. (See Assets for capturing and presenting data .)

Task Instruction:
Provide instructions to the user to complete the task. You can provide information that sets the context for the review and approval. For example, you provide instructions that describe when to click the Accept or Decline button. (See Providing task instructions .)

How Do You Want To Route Your Approval:
You can choose to send the approval to multiple users sequentially (Route In Sequence) or at the same time (Route In Parallel). (See Document review and approval processes .)

Who Will Be Assigned To This Task:
Selects the users to assign the task. You can select users & groups or a user list. (See Creating and changing user lists .)

When you select a group, you can choose to assign the task to the group queue or each user in the group. When you assign the task to all users in a group, the task completes when one user completes the task. You can choose to allow out of office for the user or group.

Specify Custom Names For Actions:
You can provide custom names for the buttons displayed to users. If you do not provide a name for custom actions, the default Complete button is displayed to the user. (See Providing actions for submitting tasks .)

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