FrameMaker document components converted to RoboHelp

RoboHelp converts most of the FrameMaker components when you link or import FrameMaker documents. The following tables list the major FrameMaker document components and show how they are converted in RoboHelp.

FrameMaker files

Book files

Documents contained within the book are converted (FM, XML, MIF, HTM, and HTML files). XHTML files that are included in the FrameMaker book must be valid XHTML. Validate the XHTML in FrameMaker itself. All other files in the FrameMaker book are ignored. Child books, folders, and groups in FrameMaker 9 books are converted and appear as folders in the RoboHelp projects. See Hierarchical structure in a FrameMaker book .


Converted, if selected. See Convert a FrameMaker TOC .

Text insets

Text insets in the FrameMaker documents are considered part of the FrameMaker document itself and are flattened in the RoboHelp topic.

Index and glossary

Index and glossary files generated in the FrameMaker book are not converted. Instead, the index markers and glossary markers in the imported FrameMaker documents are converted if selected. See Import FrameMaker index entries and Import glossary definitions ..

Variables and conditional text


Converted. User-defined variables in FrameMaker are converted as such in RoboHelp and can be redefined. Apply relevant conditional text tags to suppress variables that shouldn’t appear in online format. For example, you can suppress the Table Continuation variable in table headers for tables that break across pages in the FrameMaker documents.

Conditional tags

Converted as RoboHelp conditional build tags.


Convert equations to images and insert them in the RoboHelp topics after conversion.


Cross-references, hypertext, URLs

Converted to hypertext links. You can map the cross-reference formats in RoboHelp so that you can remove the volume, chapter, and page references that are not relevant in online format. Unresolved cross-references and hypertext entries appear as text in online Help. URLs become live hypertext links in the online Help output. See Convert FrameMaker cross-reference formats to RoboHelp styles .

Index and glossary markers

Converted to an index and glossary when creating project. See Import FrameMaker index entries and Import glossary definitions .

Topic name markers

Converted if you select this option in the project conversion settings. Use topic name markers to create topic titles and topic filenames from the marker text. See Pagination, topic naming, and context-sensitive Help .

Context-sensitive Help markers

Converted if you select this option in the project conversion settings. Use Context Sensitive Help Makers in FrameMaker to specify text in FrameMaker document for generating Context Sensitive Help. See Pagination, topic naming, and context-sensitive Help .

Custom markers

Converted. You can use these markers for delineating topics from FrameMaker source, or to pass processing instructions to RoboHelp for images and tables.


Paragraph formats

Converted. You can map FrameMaker paragraph formats to RoboHelp styles or import the source formatting. See Convert FrameMaker paragraph formats to RoboHelp styles

Character formats

Converted. You can map FrameMaker character formats to RoboHelp styles or import the source formatting. See Convert FrameMaker character formats to RoboHelp styles .

Table formats

Converted. You can map FrameMaker table formats to RoboHelp styles or import the source formatting. See Convert FrameMaker table formats to RoboHelp table styles .

Footnote properties and table footnotes

Converted. Because table title and table footnotes are paragraph formats in FrameMaker, you specify conversion settings for these paragraph formats separately.


Converted according to the settings you define. See List-mapping scenarios .

Page layouts

Master pages

FrameMaker master pages are ignored. Master pages are used for layout, borders, and page numbers in FrameMaker, so they are not applicable to online Help. RoboHelp provides master page support for breadcrumbs, mini-TOCs, and headers and footers that can be selected when you publish a single source layout.

Reference pages

Ignored. However, you can use the advanced scripting support in RoboHelp to convert images and graphics placed in the reference pages that are associated with paragraph formats.

Page layout, size, and pagination

Ignored. These elements are not applicable to online Help. See Pagination, topic naming, and context-sensitive Help .


Ignored. Headers and footers in FrameMaker usually contain chapter names, chapter numbers, and page numbers, which are not applicable in online formats. After you generate topics, you can create headers and footers in RoboHelp.

Rotated text

Converted to text, such as in table cells. (Rotated text is not supported in HTML).

Images and anchored frames


Only converted if they are inside anchored frames. If the images are not in anchored frames, reinsert them after you have imported the FrameMaker files. By default, FrameMaker places the imported and linked images in anchored frames, so they are converted. However, images placed in graphic frames are not converted. If images contained in anchored frames are missing, RoboHelp creates blank images with the filename in a sequential manner. See Image conversion settings .


Drawings created within anchored frames are converted to images. You can define the image conversion settings. See Image conversion settings .

Anchored frames

Converted to images. See Image conversion settings .

ALT text on images and anchored frames

Converted. If no ALT text is provided in the FrameMaker document for images RoboHelp applies the filename of the converted images as the ALT text. See Create alternative text for images .

Text frames, graphic frames, and images inside anchored frames

Anchored frames and their content convert to images. All content within an anchored frame, including text frames, multiple images, and callouts convert to a single image. RoboHelp inserts the filename of the created image as the ALT text if no ALT text is defined for the anchored frame.


Enclose equations in anchored frames so that they are converted to images when RoboHelp converts them.

Structured FrameMaker components


Converted like FrameMaker books

DITA documents

Converted like FrameMaker documents

XML files in book

Converted like FrameMaker documents

XHTML files in book

Converted like FrameMaker documents

Content references

Text or files inserted into FrameMaker documents as content references appear as part of the topics where they appear. They do not appear as references in the online Help outputs. See Content reference .

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