Linking, navigation, and search

Navigation basics

Navigation options

The following navigation options are available for use in Help projects.

Hypertext links

Open the link destination.


Display an HTML topic in a pop-up window rather than in the default viewer. Pop-ups can be linked only to another HTML topic or to bookmarks.

Link controls

Clickable objects that open a list of related topics. Types of link controls are See Also, Related Topics, or Keyword Links.


These links appear on a Help page and outline the position of the page in the table of contents, or the directory structure of the project.

Browse sequences

The sequence of a series of topics. You define the order of topics in the sequence.


Find topics that contain search keywords. The search results appear as links in the Search tab of the navigation pane. The search keywords are highlighted in the topic pane.

In-topic navigation bars

Navigation bars added to a layout using WebHelp as the output type.

Expanding hotspots, drop-down hotspots, and twisties

Text links that expand to display additional information, but not other topics. These hotspots are available in browsers that support Dynamic HTML (DHTML).

Text-only pop-up

A window that displays only text, not topics or web pages. Text-only pop-ups are useful for definitions or details. Unlike regular pop-ups, a text-only pop-up resides in the topic that contains it. It’s not a separate topic.

Image maps

An image in an HTML topic that contains graphical links to other topics. Clickable areas in the image are hotspots.

Image links

A link in an image that takes users to a destination or opens a pop-up. Creating image links is like creating text links.


A link that takes users to a specific place in a topic.

WinHelp topic control

(Microsoft HTML Help only) A clickable object that opens a WinHelp system.

You specify many of these features through settings in the Properties > Navigation dialog box for the specific layout:

Show Navigation Pane Link In Topics

Select to include a link to the navigation pane in topics that are opened through the context-sensitive Help calls.

Add Breadcrumbs Links

Select to add breadcrumbs in the topic pages.

Show Merged TOC In Child Project

Select to view the merged TOC in the child project.


Click to change the format of breadcrumbs.

Show Context In Search Result

(WebHelp, FlashHelp) Select to display the context of topics in search results.

Enable Highlight Search Result

Select to highlight the search results in Topics. Select the color to highlight the search results.

Add About Box

Set up information that appears in a dynamic window when users click the image in the main toolbar.

Example of About box


Browse Sequences

Create browse sequences before enabling them.


Change the text displayed for the in-topic navigation bar elements.

Search Input Field In Toolbar

Include a search field in the main toolbar.

Synchronize Table Of Contents

Synchronize the TOC with the topic in the right pane so that users see where they are in the structure.

To synchronize the TOC automatically, click the pop-up menu and select Automatically.

To add a button that users can click to synchronize the TOC, click the pop-up menu and select Manually.note:    If you use custom skins, provide a button icon in the WebHelp Skin Editor.

September 11, 2017

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