Integration with SharePoint

RoboHelp versions 10 and above provide native integration with Microsoft SharePoint. This inte­gration allows for an end-to-end workflow using SharePoint as the content repository. It also allows for the sharing RoboHelp assets across projects and users. You can then use the SharePoint work­space as a repository for your RoboHelp generated PDF reviews and finally publish the RoboHelp content to the SharePoint server.

Use SharePoint as content repository for RoboHelp content:

RoboHelp supports version control with Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and above natively. This means that you do not need to install any third-party plugins. Add your RoboHelp projects to SharePoint repository. You can then check-in and check-out files, and perform other version control operations from within RoboHelp. For details, see Version control with Microsoft SharePoint.

Publish Multiscreen and Responsive HTML5 content to SharePoint natively for both desktop and mobile access:

Publish RoboHelp content directly to a SharePoint site from within RoboHelp and in accor­dance with Microsoft security and compatibility recommendations. RoboHelp supports publishing the Multiscreen HTML5 and Responsive HTML5 output to SharePoint in its native format (ASPX), ensuring a problem-free display of output in SharePoint. When you view the published output, the topics appear in the SharePoint chrome as a single continuous HTML page. For details on publishing to SharePoint, see the details on the SharePoint tabs in the respective dialog documentation for:

Generate Multiscreen HTML5 output

Generate Responsive HTML5 output

Link SharePoint assets across RoboHelp projects and users:

You can link SharePoint assets (such as images, multimedia files, captivate videos, CSS files etc.) across multiple RoboHelp projects and authors. Live linking in RoboHelp Resource Manager is integrated with SharePoint. This implies that when an asset is modified by one author, the change is reflected in all the topics and in all the RoboHelp projects that use (link) that asset. For details on how to add a SharePoint location, see Add a shared location.

Host RoboHelp content on SharePoint workspace for PDF review:

Select the RoboHelp topics that you want to send for review. Host this PDF for review in the SharePoint workspace, and send the link to reviewers. Your reviewers can provide review comments using the free PDF reader, without having to install or learn any additional software products. You can then import all the comments from stored on the SharePoint workspace to the RoboHelp project in one click. For details, see PDF review.

September 11, 2017

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