Generate and customize reports

All reports are available from Tools menu.

Broken links report

This report (available from Tools > Map ID > Broken Links) finds files that contain broken links. This report is not customizable.


In a multi-author, version-controlled environment, ensure that you don’t link to topics that have been moved, renamed, or removed. These links will be broken.

For a version control project, have one person test the latest version for broken links before releasing the final output.

Conditional Build Tag report

This report provides information about usage of topic-level, content-level, and TOC-level build tags in the entire project.

It displays a summary of the project. It identifies the conditional build tags used in the project. For each tag, it shows the detailed path of all topics in which the tag is used.

1)Select Tools > Topic Properties > Tags. The Reports dialog box appears, with the Build Tags tab selected, displaying the Conditional Build Tag report.

By default, the report sorts the tags by Build Tag Name.

2)(Optional) To change the sort order, select Options. The Build Tag Report Option dialog box appears.

3)Select Topic, TOC, And Index Name.

4)Click OK. You can view the tags usage report sorted by Topic, TOC, and Index Name.

See Also report

1)Select Tools > TOC > See Also. The See Also report appears.

2)Customize these options as needed:


Includes all keywords from the index.

Keywords And Topics

Contains a list of keywords. Each keyword lists the topics that use it. You can discover if keywords are not linked to any topics and identify topics to remove from keywords.

Topics And Keywords

Contains a list of topics. Each topic list the keywords associated with the topic. You can discover if topics are missing keywords, inconsistent phrasing, and identify keywords to remove from topics.

Index report

1)Select Tools > TOC > Index.

2)To customize, select from the following options:


Includes all keywords from the index.

Keywords And Topics

Contains a list of keywords. Each keyword lists the topics that use it. You can discover if keywords are not linked to any topics and identify topics to remove from keywords.

Topics And Keywords

Contains a list of topics. Each topic lists the keywords associated with the topic. You can iden­tify missing keywords, inconsistent phrasing, and keywords to remove from topics.

Select Index

Select an Index from the list to generate a report for the index selected.

Duplicate Map IDs report

Each map number in your project must be unique. Use this dialog to remove duplicate map IDs.

If your project includes context-sensitive Help, make all map numbers in your map files unique. If some map files use the same map numbers, the Duplicate Map IDs tab identifies them for you.

note:   If duplicate map IDs exist in your project, some of your context-sensitive Help topics might not work properly.

1)Select Tools > Map ID > Duplicate Map IDs.

tip:   Use this report to test your help project. With the RoboHelp BugHunter tool, you can test map numbers and topics.

External Topics report

The External Topics report (Tools > Map ID > External Topics) includes data on these topics:


Links to HTML topics in other CHM files

FTP addresses

Newsgroup addresses

E-mail addresses


Use this report to test your links.

Share this report with authors who use these URLs.

Glossary report

1)Select Tools > TOC > Glossary.

2)Select one of these options from the Reports menu:

Detailed Lists

Terms and definitions

Overview Lists

Terms without definitions

The glossary report is shown for the glossary selected.

Images report

1)Select Tools > Topic Properties > Images. The Image report appears.

View An Alphabetized List Of Images

Grouped under each image is a list of all topics that use it.

View An Alphabetized List Of Topics

Grouped under each topic is a list of all images they include.

Map IDs report

Use this report (Tools > Map ID > Map IDs) to generate a project summary. It includes the number of map IDs, topic ID and location, map number, and map filename.

The Map IDs report provides information about all the context-sensitive Help topics that are used in your project, including map IDs and text-only topics (for What's This? Help).

First, the report displays a summary of the entire project. It identifies the number of map IDs and then gives more specific information. Each topic in the project that has a map ID assigned is listed with topic ID, map number, map filename, and topic location.

tip:   Use this report as a reference for testing Help.

Project Status report

Generate information for a group of topics (Tools > Project Status) by selecting a specific folder from the Folder list.

Total number of topics completed, in progress, and ready for review

Total number of topics in a project

Estimated development time to author all topics

Information on To Do items

Snippets report

Select Tools > Topic Properties > Snippets. The Snippets report appears showing the snippets defined in the project. The Snippets report also shows the topics in which a particular snippet has been used.

Style Sheets report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Style Sheets) to view an alphabetized list of style sheets or topics. The list of style sheets shows which topics use each style sheet. The list of topics identifies which style sheet each topic is attached to. To sort, choose an option from the Sort By menu.

Table Of Contents report

Use this report (Tools > TOC > Table Of Contents) to view information about TOCs. Specify the level of detail you want to see:


Includes titles of books and pages, names of linked topics, and location of files.


Includes titles of books and pages and the names of linked topics.

The Table of Contents report is shown for the TOC selected.

tip:   You can change your table of contents whenever you change topic titles or filenames.

Topic Properties report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Topic Properties) to filter reports according to various properties. To customize the report, click Options, and select details to add:


Folder and bookmark names and locations.

Topic Status

Status, priority, time, completed To Do items, and comments.


Links to the topic, links from the topic, map IDs, table of contents, See Also keywords, and keywords.


Information types, conditional build tags, search keywords, and style sheet, and exclude from search.

You can filter the list of topics included in the report by selecting a specific folder from the Folder list.

Topic References report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Topic References) to track topic references. References include:

Topic links

TOC books and pages that use the topic

Keywords and phrases that use the topic

Select the Folder list to generate information for a topic group.


Use this report to find references to remove when updating your topics.

Before you remove a topic, you can remove all references to it. Use this report to identify the references and relink them to different topics.

If you don't remove references when you remove a topic, this report identifies the breakable references.

Topics By Priority report

The Topics By Priority report (Tools > Topic Properties > Topics By Priority) provides a summary of your project. It lists topics sorted by the priority assigned by the author. This information is gath­ered from the topic properties. Therefore, the key to making this report work for you is to change topic properties as you author.

To customize the information in this report, click Options and select the information you want to include in it. You can select a range of priorities or view all priorities. You can also filter the list of topics included in the report by selecting a folder from the Folder list.

Unreferenced Topics report

This customizable report (Tools > Topic Properties > Unreferenced Topics) tracks unreferenced topics in the TOC, index, browse sequences, or in other topics. Use it to identify:

Inaccessible topics (To fix, create links from other topics.)

Topics excluded from the TOC

Topics without index or See Also keywords (To fix, add keywords, or add the topic to a See Also keyword.)

note:   Some topics do not use references. For example, if you create window-level context-sensitive Help, topics are only accessible when end-users press F1 or click Help. They don't need references. You can identify unreferenced topics that you are using as context-sensitive Help topics.

Unused files report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Unused Files) to view unused files in one place. You can sort by filename or file type by selecting from the Sort By menu.

You cannot remove these files from within your project. Make a list of the unused files and their paths and then use Windows Explorer to delete the files.important:   Before you delete files, make a backup copy of the project in case you need to revert changes.

note:   Indiscriminate deletion of files other than what is listed by the unused files report, results in broken links, missing files and other undesirable consequences.

Unused index keywords report

Use this report (Tools > Map ID > Unused Index Keywords) to track all index keywords that are not associated with topics. Use it to:

Identify index keywords that you can remove from your project.

Find index keywords that must be associated with topics.

Review cross-references included in your index.

Used Files report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Used Files) for an inventory of all files in the project.

Missing topics report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Missing Topics) to track missing topics and several asso­ciated elements:

TOCs, books, and pages that reference missing topics

Index keywords and phrases that reference missing topics

Select a folder from the Folder list to generate topic group information.


Before you remove a topic, remove all references to it.

If you do not remove references when you remove a topic, this report identifies the breakable references.

Variables report

Use this report (Tools > Topic Properties > Variables) to list variables in the order they were created along with their values and information about their usage.

If you view all variables in the project, the report indicates the variables defined in Variable sets and the files in which they are used. You can also find variables that have not been used.

This report is useful when you want to remove variables. Locate all topics in which the variables are used and delete references to the variables before deleting the variables.

September 11, 2017

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