W3C compliance

You can validate XHTML or HTML topics for World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) compliance and view error messages, informative messages, or warnings. You can validate the following for W3C compliance:


Right-click a topic in the Project Manager pod and select Validate W3C Compliance.


Right-click Project Files in the Project Manager pod and select Validate W3C Compliance.

RoboHelp validates all the HTML/XHTML topics and shows warnings or error messages for any non-compliance in the Output View pod and Error List pod. RoboHelp displays errors, warnings, and information in different situations:

Errors appear if you have added an incorrect tag or if you have not closed a tag.

Warnings appear if a tag is not valid for XHTML.

Information appears when all topics are validated.

note:    You can double-click an error or a warning message in the Error List pod to open it. When you place the cursor on an error in the Error List pod, it shows the line of the topic where the error occurred.

September 30, 2016

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