Use color and images

Change text and link colors in a style sheet

RoboHelp incorporates changes you make to a CSS file into every topic the CSS file is linked to. You cannot undo changes to a CSS file.

Using the WebHelp Skin Editor, you can change the color of text in the TOC, index, and Search panels for WebHelp and WebHelp Pro.

1)In the Project Manager pod, right-click the CSS file. Select Edit.

2)Deselect Hide Inherited Styles.

3)From Available In, select a CSS file.

4)In the Styles box, select Character.

5)Expand Character Style, and select a link or text style from these options, among others:

Background + Text (Body)

In the default style sheet, body text (normal text). This style is for text, tables, and headings in topics. This style also controls the default settings for background images, background colors, and borders.

Hyperlink (Unvisited)

An unvisited hypertext link.

Hyperlink (Visited)

A visited hypertext link.

Hyperlink (Active)

The selected hypertext link.

6)Select Edit > Character > Character Formating > Font.

7)Under Font Color, select a color. Click OK.

September 30, 2016

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