Help and support

Adobe Community Help

Adobe Community Help is an integrated environment on that gives you access to community-generated content moderated by Adobe and industry experts. Think of Community Help as collections of related items rather than books. Adobe continually curates and adds to these collections.

Bookmark the RoboHelp Help hub page to find the best content on the web about RoboHelp, including these resources:

Videos, tutorials, tips and techniques, blogs, articles, and examples for designers and devel­opers.

Complete online Help, which is updated regularly.

All other content on, including knowledgebase articles, downloads and updates, Adobe Developer Connection, and more.

Accessing RoboHelp help

Accessing help using a web browser

RoboHelp help is available on-line at the following location RoboHelpHelp. You can view the help using a web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) independent of the product. This means, you do not need to open RoboHelp to access the online help using a web browser.

The online help includes a search functionality that you use to search for help in the RoboHelp docu­mentation or across

The online help also includes a PDF that you can download and view when you are offline.

For more information on the offline Help, see Offline Help.

Accessing help from within RoboHelp

When you are working in RoboHelp, press F1 to launch the help in a context-sensitive Help viewer.

If you are online and you launch help from within RoboHelp, the product launches the online help within the Help viewer. This viewer launches as an independent window. If you are working in a multi-screen environment, you can keep RoboHelp on one screen and drag the viewer to the other screen.

Since the viewer is context-sensitive, you can go to a help topic corresponding to your context in the application.

For example, if you are in the multi-channel publishing pod, press F1 to go to the corre­sponding help content for this feature.

note:    You can use the search functionality in the Help viewer to search for topics within Robo­Help help. To search for help within RoboHelp and across, go to the online help using a web browser.

If you are offline, the context-sensitive Help launches a Microsoft Help (CHM) viewer. The offline viewer provides you the same in-product, context-sensitive functionality that you expe­rience using the online Help viewer.

important:   The offline Help CHM file is delivered with each new patch that Adobe provides. If RoboHelp Help is updated between patches, follow the instructions in this knowledgebase article to download and install the updated Help file.

September 30, 2016

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