Opening a project

Open a project when starting RoboHelp

1)From the Starter pod listing recently opened projects, click the project name. If you don’t see the project you want, click Open.

You can use the following controls to locate the project you want to open:

My Places bar

Find documents by using the shortcuts to the left of the Folder and Files list.


The Desktop folder lists all folders on your desktop.

My Computer

The My Computer folder lists the hard drives configured on your computer.

My RoboHelp Projects

The My RoboHelp Projects folder is the default working folder where RoboHelp stores all proj­ects. This folder is placed in the My Documents folder when Adobe RoboHelp is installed. When you start Adobe RoboHelp, projects stored in the My RoboHelp Projects folder are auto­matically listed in the Starter pod under the Recent Projects list. All RoboHelp projects use the .xpj filename extension.

Look in list

By default, this list displays the My RoboHelp Projects folder. Alternatively, if you have accessed other folders, the last folder you accessed, is selected in this list. This list includes the My Computer, My Network Places, and My Documents folders under the Desktop folder.

Go To Last Folder Visited icon

Displays the last folder you accessed. Click the arrowhead to view a list of the most recent folders you visited. This icon is disabled if you do not access a folder in the dialog box.

Up one level icon

Enables you to move to the parent folder of the current folder displayed in the Look in list.

Delete icon

Enables you to delete a selected folder or file. The deleted folder or file is sent to the Recycle Bin.

Create New Folder icon

Enables you to create a folder under the parent folder selected in the Look in list.

View Menu icon

The arrowhead enables you to choose the view in which the folder and file list must be displayed. You can view the folders and files as thumbnails, tiles, icons, a simple list, or a list with details of the folders or files.

Tools icon

Enables you to delete or rename a folder or file, add a folder or file to the My Places bar, or map a hard drive to a computer or folder on your network. You can also view properties of a folder or file.

File Name box      Enables you to specify the name of the file to access (to open, to import, and so on.)

Files Of Type menu

Enables you to select the type of files to list in the folder and file list.

Open a project after starting RoboHelp

1)Select File > Open Project > Local or Network Path.

The Open Project dialog box appears.

note:    You can also select the last ten projects opened from the bottom of the File menu.

2)Select RoboHelp HTML Help Project (.xpj) from the Files Of Type menu.

3)Locate the project file, and double-click it.

Upgrading a project

If you open a project created in a previous version of RoboHelp, you are asked whether to convert it before opening it.

important:   Make a copy of your project before converting it into the new format.

Pin a project to the list of recently opened projects

By default, the list of recent projects that appears in the Starter pod and in the File menu displays up to the last ten projects opened. Pin a recently opened project so that it always appears in the recent projects’ list. The list displays the pinned projects and recently used projects up to the number of projects set in the Max Projects field.

1)Select File > Options.

2)On the Recent Projects tab, select a project from the Recently Opened Projects list.

3)Click Pin. Click OK.

note:    Click Unpin to remove a pinned project from the recent projects’ list.

September 30, 2016

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