About ExtendScript Toolkit support

Create your own scripts to automate repetitive tasks and time-consuming workflows. For example, you can write a script that counts the images used in a RoboHelp project.

RoboHelp provides a set of sample scripts that you can use or customize. You can access these sample scripts from Tool > Scripts.

Native Mobile App Generator

Use this script to package Help content as a native mobile app for the Android mobile oper­ating system.

EclipseHelp Generator

Use this script to generate EclipseHelp output.

EPUB 2.0.1 Generator

Use this script to generate EPUB 2.0.1output.

WebHelp To CHM Converter

Use this script to generate WebHelp output as a single CHM file. Before running the script, you can customize the WebHelp layout to add the color and branding you prefer in the CHM output.

Output Generator With Glossary Restyling

Use this script to generate output for a selected layout with the glossary as popups or tooltips. By default, RoboHelp generates output with the glossary as expanding hotspots.

note:    Run Glossary Hotspot Wizard once before running this script.

Image Extension Updater

Use this script to update the file extension of image paths referred across topics in a project. By default, the script converts file extension .bmp to .png in each topic. You can update the script to convert different extensions.

note:    The script updates the name of the image file referred in the topic; it does not create any image. The images with the new extension should be present in the location where the original images reside.

Link Converter

Use this script to convert an anchor link href target across all the files in a RoboHelp project. For example, define a link to convert www.adobe.com to www.adobe.com/support/ across all the Help files in a project. See the script file for more information.

Master Page Import

Use this script to import master pages.

UDV Converter With UI

Use this script to convert a keyword into a user-defined variable and change its value across all files in a project. Enter a keyword, a user-defined variable name, and its value.

UDV Converter

Use this script to convert a keyword into a user-defined variable and change its value across all the files in a project. See the script for more details.

Word Count Generator

Use this script to get a word count for an opened RoboHelp project. It provides a word count by topic and by project. To run the Word Count script, right-click the script and select Run. The word count summary appears in the Output View pod.

Reference Page Image Updater

Use this script to insert images of reference pages in topics generated through FrameMaker document import. For more details, see the DESCRIPTION section in the script file header.

Style-based Index Generator

Use this script to create style-based index entries for keywords present in the topics of a project. The styles need to be specified in the script. The script searches all the keywords with the mentioned styles in each topic and creates index entries for them. By default, the script creates entries for h1 (Heading 1) and "h2" (Heading 2) styles. The style array in the script should be updated with the desired style names.

September 30, 2016

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