Specify search settings

You can select the following search options in Configuration Manager:
Reindex Documents At Server

Lucene reindexes the published projects on RoboHelp Server. The index published with RoboHelp project is ignored.

Substring Search Is Enabled For Client Index

Enables substring search for client-side indexing on RoboHelp Server. Substring search is enabled only for client-side indexing, since it is not supported for server-side indexing. For more information about substring search, see RoboHelp search basics in Using RoboHelp (2019 release)

Persistent Storage

Allows to customize the storage path as per requirements for projects of RoboHelp Server contexts. These projects are stored within the RoboHelp installation category by default. Select Use custom project storage path and enter the path within the text box in Configuration Manager.

Note: To use custom project storage option, add <url-pattern>/robo_files/*</url-pattern> to <servlet-mapping> configuration in <RHS Installation Directory>\WEB-INF\web.xml. Servlet mapping configuration looks like:
Restart is required post making changes in web.xml