Installing RoboHelp Server involves the following steps:
Close any other Adobe application running on your computer.
Uninstall any previous version of RoboHelp Server installed on your computer.
You cannot install RoboHelp Server 10 and RoboHelp Server 11 together on the same system. Therefore, uninstall RoboHelp Server 10 before installing RoboHelp Server 11. However, if you want to migrate data from RoboHelp Server 10 to RoboHelp Server 11, ensure that you back up the following files available in the [RHS-installation-directory]\web-inf folder before uninstalling RoboHelp Server 10:
Install JRE 8. For more information, see Java SE documentation.
To verify that the Tomcat server is running, open the Tomcat
home page in a browser window. To do so, enter http://<server-name>:<port-number>
the address bar of the browser window.
If you see the Tomcat home page, it confirms successful installation of Tomcat. To resolve any installation and configuration issues, visit Apache Tomcat website. Consider the following points to configure Tomcat:
If necessary, in <tomcat-install-folder>\conf\server.xml, change the port number to a desired port number.
Change the minimum heap space allotted to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM):
Run the .exe file given at <tomcat-install-folder>\bin\tomcat8w.exe
On the Java tab in the Apache Tomcat Properties dialog, specify 256 as the value for the Initial Memory Pool and Maximum Memory Pool.
Re-start Tomcat service.
(Optional) Install a supported database system. Apache Derby is the default database that is in-built in the RoboHelp Server 11 package. To work with other supported databases, see Supported database management systems.
Install RoboHelp Server 11. You can download the installers from Adobe RoboHelp Server 10 page. During installation, you can either enter the license number to install the licensed version of the product, or install the trial version for 30 days.
Once the installation is complete, start the RoboHelp Server Configuration Manager (server.xml file for the Tomcat servlet container installed on your system.
). If prompted, select the