Technical enhancements
- Support for JDBC Connectivity - RoboHelp Server uses
a database to store usage reports, users and group information.
Database connection architecture has been enhanced in RoboHelp Server
to support external databases using JDBC connectivity.
- LDAP sub-container lookup - RoboHelp Server supports integration
with LDAP server which enables users to login to RoboHelp Server
using their LDAP credentials. To integrate RoboHelp Server with LDAP,
administrator has to provide base search node for users or groups
in the LDAP tree. Till RoboHelp Server 10, only the users or groups
which were directly under the specified nodes, could be authenticated
from RoboHelp Server. Starting from RoboHelp Server 11, all users
or groups which are in different sub-nodes within the base node
can also be authenticated.
- Data Migration from RoboHelp Server 10 - RoboHelp Server 11
supports migration of content from RoboHelp Server 10. Migrating
an older version of Microsoft SQL or Oracle server database will
require the user to enter JDBC details for that server. In case
you are migrating data from MS Access, then you must have MS Access
Runtime installed on the destination machine (where RoboHelp Server
11 is installed). For more information see Migrate context data.
- Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication – RoboHelp Server supports
integration with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)/OKTA
servers, which allows the user to directly login to RoboHelp Server. Users
can directly login using an active SSO user account, without the
need to provide credentials. An administrator must provide an authorization
API endpoint, token API endpoint, and a few more details of the
server to integrate RoboHelp Server with LDAP.
- Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone - RoboHelp Server
supports storing information in the database in the UTC time zone.
An optional parameter (
), when configured, displays
information in the UI in a user's local time zone while still allowing
database information to be stored in UTC time. For more information,
see the Time zone configuration.
- ADFS token-based authorization - RoboHelp Server supports token-based
permissions to enable integration between RoboHelp Server and ADFS
authorization flow. This allows a user to be authorized based on
the value entered in the Token Role Key attribute.
For more information, see Single Sign-On using ADFS.