Using context-sensitive Help, you can associate context IDs with topics. Using CSH API, you can retrieve topics associated with a given context ID from the server. You can use the CSH API of the server to call a context-sensitive Help topic from Responsive HTML5 projects in RoboHelp HTML. You can access CSH for Responsive HTML5 projects from the CSH tool and the browser window.
For Responsive HTML5, specify http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context-name>/server?project=<project
the Help URL and context ID in the map number.
the URL as http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context-name>/server?project=<project
name>&ctxid=<ctx id>&type=<type-of-output>&area=<area-name>
for Responsive
HTML5 projects.
You can use CSH API to access Help using a topic name. Enter
the URL http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context-name>/server?project=<project name>&tpc=<relative
topic path>&area=<area-name>[&type=responsivehelp]