To manage projects on a server, you can click Projects in the Web Admin interface. The list of projects listing name, type, and published dates of the projects and the name of the authors. This default project is used to resolve name conflicts among windows, context IDs, topics, and so on. Other Help projects use the default project settings on the server.
Displays the list of areas defined on the server.
Determines the default project if you have several projects merged based on the project order. The first project listed is the default (Master).
Displays the contents of a project.
Deletes the selected project. Error messages appear in the Adobe RoboHelp error log if other users attempt to access a deleted project.
Reorder projects.
Merges project of the same type (Responsive HTML5 or Frameless).
You can access area-specific projects using the following URL: http://<server-name>/<context-name>/server?prj=<project-name>&area=<area-name>&type=<type-of-output>
If you do not specify an area attribute, the default area is considered. You must have project viewing permissions to the area.