Filtering processes and tasks

You can filter processes and tasks on the To Do and Tracking tabs to refine or reduce the number of records displayed.

Note: The Filter box appears on the To Do tab, when processes are displayed in List format.

You can filter results by entering text (strings), a number, a numeric operator and a number, or a variable value. Workspace filters the processes and tasks you select for any string containing the value or range of values you specify. For example, when you enter a number, Workspace filters all columns and returns one or more rows of results where the specified number appears in various columns. Similarly, if you enter a numeric operator and a number, Workspace filters all columns and could return one or more rows of results where the specified range of numbers appears in various columns.

Filtering using text strings

You can filter processes and tasks using text (strings). Workspace filters results for strings containing the specified value.

  1. Do one of the following actions:

    • Click the To Do tab, click the Down Arrow next to the user queue list you want, and the process you want. For common process variables, you do not need to select Show All, because they are not bound to a process.

    • Click the Tracking tab, and select a process from the list in the left panel.

  2. In the Filter box, enter the text you want to filter on.

  3. Click the Filter button . Results are filtered for any string containing the value you specified.

Note: Clear the filter, by clicking the Clear Filter button .

Filtering using a numeric operator and a number

You can filter numeric process variables using a numeric operator, and the number you want to filter on. For example, if one of your process variables was Mortgage Amount, you could filter the list by specifying an amount such as >500000. You would then see only tasks where Mortgage Amount was more than 500000. The process designer defines the process variable as a numeric variable, and you set this process variable to display as a column heading preference.

Note: You can only use numeric operators when filtering on numeric fields. For example, you can filter on a field like taskID, but you cannot use numeric operators because it is not a numeric field.
  1. Do one of the following actions:

    • Click the To Do tab, click the Down Arrow next to the user queue list you want, and select Show All or the process you want.

    • Click the Tracking tab, and select a process from the list in the left panel.

  2. In the Filter box, enter one of the following numeric operators, and the number you want to filter on.

    • = (equals)

    • ! (not equal)

    • < (less than)

    • <= (less than or equals)

    • > (greater than)

    • >= (greater than or equals)

  3. Click the Filter button .

Note: Clear the filter, by clicking the Clear Filter button .

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