Adding and removing applications

Whether implementing a LiveCycle solution or creating a container for the assets that are shared among LiveCycle developers, first create an application in the Applications view in Workbench. Use the New Application wizard to create an application.

You can also copy an application from the server and use it as a start point. This method creates a local copy of the server application. If you edit and check in the application, these changes are saved in the original application.

When you no longer need an application, you can remove it. You have a choice of removing only the local copy or both the local copy and the copy stored in the repository.

Creating an application

The New Application wizard guides you through the steps of adding a new application to the Application view. You can later modify most of the information entered in the wizard.

The wizard creates the application in your local folder. To share development of the application with other developers and before you deploy the application, check it into the repository.

When creating an application name, follow these rules:

  • Alphanumeric characters, double-byte characters, and spaces can be used.

  • These characters cannot be used: /\:+$?%*: |"<>.[]TAB.

  • Control characters (ASCII value less than 32) cannot be used.

  • Maximum number of characters and spaces is 40.

Note: Full path to an asset cannot exceed 256 characters. This path includes the entire path where the asset is cached on the computer.

Create an application using the wizard:

  1. Select File > New > Application.

  2. In the Application Name box, type a unique name for your application.

  3. (Optional) In the Description box, type a brief description of the application. You can add or change the description later by right-clicking the application version and selecting Properties.

  4. Click Finish.

Adding applications from the server

To work on the application that another developer created, first add the copy of that application to your local folder. Then, check out the application or its assets to modify them and check in the modified components.

To determine which applications you already have locally on your computer use the Show Local Applications checkbox in the Get Applications dialog box to include or exclude applications from the list.

Add an application from the server:

  1. Select File > Get Application.

  2. (Optional) To include local applications in the list of available applications, select Show Local Applications.

  3. From the list of applications in the repository, select the application to add to your local folder and click OK.

Removing applications

When you delete an application, all the assets associated with it are also deleted. By default, an application is deleted from the local folders. If necessary, you can specify to also remove the application version from the server.

Remove an application:

  1. In the Applications view, right-click the application version and select Delete.

  2. To delete both the local and the server version of the application, select Also Delete Application From The Server.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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