Validating the DDX Document

Document Builder can validate your DDX document to ensure that it is consistent with the DDX schema. The schema defines the rules for DDX documents, such as the relationships between DDX elements and the properties those elements can have.

Document Builder itself cannot prevent you from creating erroneous DDX documents. Validating and previewing your DDX document at various stages is the best way to ensure that your final DDX document produces the results you want.

Validate the DDX

  1. Ensure that the DDX to validate is open in Document Builder.

  2. Click Validate.

    If validation is successful, Document Builder displays a green check mark near the Validate button. If the validation is unsuccessful, Document Builder displays a pane that lists the errors and their severity.

Troubleshooting tips

  • Save your work before you validate it.

  • For errors with source icons, ensure that you specified a Source property or a Match Source property. You can specify both properties for one icon.

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