(Deprecated) Creating Guides

Create Guides using the New Guide wizard in Workbench.

Before you create a Guide, you need an application and a data model. In Workbench, either create a new local application or retrieve a remote application to create the Guide in.

Ensure that you have access to a valid data model in Workbench. You can either drag a data model into your local application or access it from a remote application.

Create a Guide in Workbench

  1. Open the Guide Design perspective if it is not already open. (See Guide Design perspective in Workbench.)

  2. Open or create an application. (See Working with Applications.)

  3. Create a Guide using the New Guide wizard and select the model to associate with the Guide. (See Types of data models for Guides and Create a Guide with the wizard.)

  4. Structure your Guide with sections and panels in the Guide Tree view. (See Structure a Guide in the Guide Tree.)

  5. Add items to each panel in the editor. You can drag items from the Data Model view and place them in the editor. (See Add items to Guide panels and Add items in the Data Model view.)

  6. Configure the properties in the Guide Properties view, as required. (See Guide Properties view.)

  7. Preview your Guide as you design it. (See Preview a Guide.)

For more information about how to create a Guide, view the video Creating a Guide-based Application.

You can also use Flash Builder to customize the Guide layout, panel layouts, controls, and styles. Guides support Flex features, such as skinning, and can use both MX and Spark controls. For information about how to customize a Guide see Customizing Guides Using Flash Builder.

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