Use the log operation
that the Variable Logger service provides to monitor the values
of process variables at run time in a production environment. The
Log operation writes variable values to a file, to standard out,
or to the LiveCycle Server log at a specific point in the process.
For example, the following process diagram includes a log operation
after an Assign Task operation. After the log operation, an execute
operation from the Set Value service manipulates the data that the
Assign Task operation captures. The log operation saves variable
data to a file. If the execute operation stalls at run time, the
logged variable values can be used to troubleshoot the error.
The log operation reports the following information for each
variable in the process:
The name of the variable, as an XPath expression
The data type of the variable
The value of the variable
The process identification (PID) of the process instance
in which the log operation executed.
The operation identification (ActionID) of the log operation.
The following text is an example log entry that a log operation
named log3 provides. The log3 operation has an ActionID of 37, and
was executed in a process instance with PID 13. The process includes
the two variables named numberVar and listVar:
[PID:13] [ActionID:37] Action Name: "log3" Start...
[PID:13] /process_data/@numberVar - java.lang.Float: 100000.0
[PID:13] /process_data/@listVar: null
[PID:13] [ActionID:37] End!
For more information about the log operation, see log operation.