Creating processes using the New Process wizard

Use the New Process wizard to create an empty process. Optionally, you can specify the following items in the process:

  • A start point for the process. A start point determines how the process is started. A process can have multiple start points. By default, a new process always contains a programmatic start point. (See Programmatic start point properties).

  • Descriptive text.

  • An image that is displayed with your process in Workspace.

  • Instructions for the process users that are displayed in Workspace.

Create a process using the wizard:

  1. Select File > New > Process.

  2. In the Name box, provide a unique name for the process.

  3. (Optional) In the Description box, type a description for the process.

  4. In the Enter Or Select The Parent Folder box, specify the path to the process location within the application hierarchy. The path must include the name and version of the application and, optionally, subfolder names. An example of a valid path is /MyApp/1.0/processes. You can either type the path or select the required location from the application tree.

  5. (Optional) Click New Folder to create a subfolder in the application tree. Creating subfolders in the application tree is a recommended way of organizing your assets inside the application. For example, you can group different types of processes in separate folders.

  6. Click Next and, in the Configure a Start Point panel, select one of the following available start points for the process.

    When A User Submits A Task In Workspace: The process starts when the user fills and submits a form in Workspace. For details about how to configure the Workspace start point, see Configuring the Workspace start point.

    When A User Submits A Task From a Mobile Device: The process starts when the user fills and submits a form using Adobe LiveCycle ES4 - Mobile 11. For details about how to configure the Mobile start point, see Configuring the Mobile start point (Deprecated).

    When The System Receives An Email: The process starts when the process receives an email from the user. For details about how to configure Email start point, see Configuring the Email start point.

    When A File Arrives In A Watched Folder: The process starts when a file is placed in a specified watched folder. For details about how to configure Watched Folder start point, see Configuring the Watched Folder start point.

    Add Start Points Later: The new process has only the default programmatic start point. You can add a custom one later. (See Starting processes using start points).

    Note: Selecting the Workspace or Mobile option creates a long-lived process. All other options create a short-lived process. You can change the process type later in the Process Properties dialog box. (See Short-lived processes and long-lived processes and Change process properties).
  7. Click Next. The next panel that appears depends on your selection in the Configure a Start Point panel. If you choose to add start points later, the Summary panel appears. For all other start point types, the corresponding start point configuration panel appears.

  8. Carefully examine information in the Summary panel. If you must change it, click Back and modify your settings.

  9. Click Finish to create a process.

Configuring the Workspace start point

The Workspace start point configuration consists of two panels, where you provide the following information:

  • (Optional) A form to use in the process. This form must already be present in your application.

  • A Workspace category where the process resides.

  • The name for the process as it appears in the Start Process area of Workspace.

  • A process icon.

  • Instructions for process users.

The first configuration panel appears after you select Workspace in the Configure a Start Point panel and click Next.

Note: You can modify the Workspace start point configuration in the Process Properties view. (See Workspace start point properties).

Configure the Workspace start point:

  1. In the Form Selection area, choose one of these options:

    Choose a Form Later: Select this option if you do not have the process form ready. You can select the form later in the Process Properties view for the start point.

    Use an Existing Form: Select this option to specify a form that is stored in the application. In the space provided, specify the path to the form location within the application hierarchy. The path must include the name and version of the application and, optionally, subfolder names. An example of a valid path is /MyApp/1.0/forms/MyForm.xdp. You can either type the path or select the required location from the application tree.

    Note: If you select a form that is submitted as an XML Data Package (XDP), the wizard creates an xml variable called formData. If you select a form that is submitted as a PDF, the wizard creates a document variable called formData.
  2. Click Next and, in the Workspace Category box, choose one of these options:

    Choose a Workspace Category: Select the name of the Workspace category where the process will appear. This option does not appear until there is at least one Workspace category created.

    Create a New Workspace Category: Type the name for the new Workspace category.

  3. (Optional) In the Workspace Process Name box, specify the name of the process as it will appear in the Start Process area of Workspace. The default name is Start <process name>.

  4. (Optional) In the Description box, type instructions for the process user.

  5. (Optional) To associate a custom image with the process, click Browse  , navigate to and select an image file, and click Open. The image you specify is displayed in the process cards within Workspace. The image formats that are supported are JPG and PNG.

    Reduce your image to 150 x 150 pixels. You can compress the image without losing quality before you add it to your process by using tools such as Adobe ImageReady®. Compression optimizes the image for use in LiveCycle, improves load times, and maximizes user experiences. Always verify that the images are displayed correctly. Images larger than 150x150 pixels are scaled and may appear distorted.
  6. (Optional) To disassociate a custom image from the process, click Reset To Default  .

  7. Click Next and, in the New Process Configuration Summary panel, examine the list of selected options. If you must change it, click Back.

  8. Click Finish to create a process.

Configuring the Mobile start point (Deprecated)

The Mobile start point (Deprecated) configuration consists of two panels, where you provide the following information:

  • (Optional) A Guide to use in the process. This Guide file must already be present in your application and compatible with mobile devices.

  • An Mobile category where the process resides.

  • The name for the process as it appears in the mobile application.

  • A process icon.

  • Instructions for process users.

The first configuration panel appears after you select the Mobile option in the Configure a Start Point panel and click Next.

Note: You can modify the Mobile start point (Deprecated) configuration in the Process Properties view. (See Adobe LiveCycle - Mobile start point (Deprecated) properties).

Configure the Mobile start point (Deprecated):

  1. In the Form Selection area, choose one of these options:

    Choose a Form Later: Select this option if you do not have the Guide for the process ready. You can select the Guide later in the Process Properties view for the start point.

    Use an Existing Form: Select this option to specify a Guide that is stored in the application and is compatible with mobile devices. In the space provided, specify the path to the Guide file location within the application hierarchy. The path must include the name and version of the application and, optionally, subfolder names. An example of a valid path is /MyApp/1.0/forms/MyForm.xdp. You can either type the path or select the required location from the application tree.

    If the Guide you select does not support mobile devices, a warning message is displayed at the top of the panel. For more information, see Guides on mobile devices.

    Note: If you select a Guide that is submitted as an XML Data Package (XDP), the wizard creates an xml variable called formData.
  2. Click Next and, in the Mobile Category box, choose one of these options:

    Choose a Mobile Category: Select the name of the Mobile category where the process is displayed. This option does not appear until there is at least one Mobile category created.

    Create a New Mobile Category: Type the name for the new Mobile category.

  3. (Optional) In the Mobile Process Name box, specify the name of the process as it is displayed in the Mobile application. The default name is Start <process name>.

  4. (Optional) In the Description box, type instructions for the process user.

  5. (Optional) To associate a custom image with the process, click Browse  , navigate to and select an image file, and click Open. The image you specify is displayed in the Mobile application. The image formats that are supported are JPG and PNG.

    Reduce your image to 150 x 150 pixels. You can compress the image without losing quality before you add it to your process by using tools such as Adobe ImageReady®. Compression optimizes the image for use in LiveCycle, improves load times, and maximizes user experiences. Always verify that the images are displayed correctly. Images larger than 150x150 pixels are scaled and may appear distorted.
  6. (Optional) To disassociate a custom image from the process, click Reset To Default  .

  7. Click Next and, in the New Process Configuration Summary panel, examine the list of selected options. If you must change it, click Back.

  8. Click Finish to create a process.

Configuring the Email start point

In the Email Configuration panel, provide the information that is required for the following operations:

  • Connecting to an SMTP server to send email messages

  • Connecting to a POP3 or IMAP server to receive email messages

This panel appears after you select Email in the Initial Configure a Start Point panel and click Next.

Note: You can modify the Email start point configuration in the Process Properties view. (See Email start point properties).

Configure the Email start point:

  1. Provide the appropriate information in the following boxes:

    Inbox Host: Specify the IP address or the host name of the POP3 or IMAP server to use for receiving email.

    Inbox Protocol: Select the POP3 or IMAP protocol to use for receiving email.

    Inbox Port: Specify the port that is used to connect to the POP3 or IMAP server.

    Inbox User: Specify the user name for the account to use to log in to the POP3 or IMAP server.

    Inbox Password: Specify the password that is associated with the user name specified in the Inbox User box.

    SMTP Host: Specify the IP address or the host name of the SMTP server to use for sending email messages.

    SMTP Port: Specify the port that is used to connect to the SMTP server. The default value is 25.

    SMTP User: Specify the user name for the account to use to log in to the SMTP server.

    SMTP Password: Specify the password that is associated with the user name specified in the SMTP User box.

  2. Click Next and, in the New Process Configuration Summary panel, examine the list of selected options. If you must change it, click Back.

  3. Click Finish to create a process.

Configuring the Watched Folder start point

In the Watched Folder Configuration panel, specify the watched folder location on the LiveCycle Server and the filename pattern to match before starting the process.

A watched folder is a folder that is located on the LiveCycle Server computer. The default path is /WatchedFolders/application name/process name. These folders are created in the root of the server computer when you deploy the application. For example, if your application name is myapplication and your process name is myprocess, LiveCycle creates the folders C:/WatchedFolders/myapplication/myprocess. If the watched folder exists on the server, specify its path instead. In a clustered environment, the path must point to a shared network folder that is accessible from every computer in the cluster. (See "Using watched folders" in Administration Console Help).

The filename pattern can use the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) symbols:

  • Use the asterisk (*) to represent any series of characters. For example, the pattern te*.xdp matches the filename test.xdp.

  • Use the question mark (?) to represent any single character. For example, the pattern te?t.xdp matches the filename test.xdp.

The Watched Folder Configuration panel appears after you select Watched Folder in the Configure a Start Point panel and click Next.

Note: You can modify the Watched Folder start point configuration in the Process Properties view. (See Watched folder start point properties).

Configure the Watched Folder start point:

  1. In the Path box, specify the location of the watched folder or accept the default location.

  2. (Optional) In the Include File Pattern box, specify the filename pattern so that only the files that match this pattern will start a process. The default pattern is the asterisk (*), which means that any file that is placed in the watched folder starts the process.

  3. Click Next and, in the New Process Configuration Summary panel, examine the list of selected options. If you must change it, click Back.

  4. Click Finish to create a process.

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