types are thrown to provide notifications about the occurrence of
the event. Service operations can throw exception events that indicate
that an error has occurred during execution of the operation. You
cannot explicitly throw a service exception or exception event types.
Many services provide asynchronous events that you throw in short-lived
and long-lived processes. When you throw an event in a process,
you configure the event data and the event message data that is
provided in the event notification.
An event throw appears as an icon on the process diagram. Routes
can begin and terminate at an event throw similar to the way they
do for operations.
At run time, when the throw of an event type is routed to and
executed, the notification about the event is sent to all of the
receivers and catchers of that event type. After the event is thrown,
the process continues according to the routes that originate from
the event throw.
To configure event throws, you can specify the event data that
is provided to event receivers. For asynchronous event types, you
can also specify the event message data. For timer event types,
you can specify the timer data.