Configuring for proxy servers

If your processes use a service that connects to a server through a proxy server, configure Workbench and the LiveCycle Server so that the connection is successful. For example, if your network is configured such that you must use a proxy server to connect to a server that hosts a web service, configure Workbench and the LiveCycle Server.

Also, when you configure the connection properties of a service or service operation, use connection parameters, such as service URLs, that the proxy server is configured to recognize. When the proxy server receives the service request, it forwards the service request to the correct server.

For example, the Invoke Web Service operation that the Web Service service provides requires that you specify the URL of the web service WSDL. The value of the WSDL URL property must be a value that the proxy server recognizes as a service request to pass on to another server.

For details about connection information to use with your proxy servers, contact the administrator of your proxy server.

Configuring Workbench

To configure Workbench, add the following lines to the workbench.ini file:

-Dhttp.proxyHost=[name of proxy server] 
-Dhttp.proxyPort=[port used by proxy server] 
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=[Names of servers to connect to directly]

If you are connecting to multiple servers through the proxy server, separate each server name with the pipe character (|).

For example, the server named service1 must be connected through the proxy server named proxy1 by using port 80. However, the servers on the domain and localhost can be connected to directly, without using the proxy server. The following lines must be added to the workbench.ini file:


The workbench.ini file is located in the [install directory]/Adobe LiveCycle Workbench 11/workbench directory, where [install directory] is the location where you installed Workbench.

Modify the workbench.ini file:

  1. Open the workbench.ini file in a text editor.

  2. Add the lines that are required for configuring the use of the proxy server.

  3. Save the workbench.ini file and restart Workbench.

Configuring the LiveCycle Server

To configure the LiveCycle Server, configure the following options for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the server:

Indicates the name of the proxy server

Indicates the port that the proxy server uses

A list of servers that can be connected to directly, without using the proxy server

For example, the server named service1 must be connected through the proxy server named proxy1 by using port 80. The servers on the domain and localhost services can be connected to directly, without using the proxy server. To configure a JBoss Application Server that runs the LiveCycle Server, the following line must be added to the run.bat file:

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy1 -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="*|localhost"

The following table lists links to LiveCycle documentation that provide tips about how to configure JVM options on your application server.

Application server



See the “Modifying the JBoss configuration files” topic in the Preparing To Install LiveCycle ES4 guide.


See the “Configuring the JVM arguments and properties” topic in the Installing and Deploying LiveCycle ES4 for WebSphere guide.


See the “Configuring the JVM arguments” topic in the Installing and Deploying LiveCycle ES4 for WebLogic guide.

Digital signatures and proxy servers

In some LiveCycle environments, users can access the LiveCycle Server either by using a proxy server or by accessing the server directly. For processes that use the Signature service, all of the users must access the LiveCycle Server in the same way: either directly or through the same proxy server.

For example, an external user digitally signs a PDF form and submits it to the proxy server. The process sends the form to an internal user who connects to the LiveCycle Server directly. When the internal user opens the form, the digital signature is invalidated and an error occurs when the user tries to submit the form.

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