Properties used for connecting to the LDAP
You must configure these properties before using the operations
of the LDAP service. (See Editing service configurations).
Initial Context FactoryA string value
that represents the Java class to use as the context factory. This class
is used to create a connection to the LDAP server. The default is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory,
which is appropriate for most LDAP servers.
Provider URLA string value
that represents the URL to use to connect to the LDAP service. The
format of the value is ldap://server name:port
server name is the name of the computer that hosts
the LDAP server
port is the communications port that the LDAP service
uses. The default is 389, which is the standard
port used for LDAP connections.
User NameA string value
that represents the user name of the user account to use to log in
to the LDAP server. The user account must have permission to connect
to the server and read the information in the LDAP directory.
on the LDAP server, the user name could be a simple user name such as
“myname” or a DN. For example, “CN=myname,CN=users,DC=myorg”.
PasswordA string value
that represents the password that corresponds with the user name
provided for the Username property.
Other PropertiesA string value
that represents other properties and their corresponding values that
you can provide to the LDAP server. The value is in the following