Manage tasks
From within SharePoint Server, you can claim new LiveCycle
tasks and manage assigned tasks.
Claim group tasksOn the home page of your site, under Lists, click Tasks.
Select a task.
Perform one of the following:
Click View Item to
open the selected task in Workspace. View task details or work with
the task.
Click Claim Task to claim and open the task. A claimed
task moves from the group task list to your task list.
Manage assigned tasksOn the home page of your site, under Lists, click Tasks.
Select a task, and click View Item it.
On the Workspace login screen, enter the credentials and
click Login.
The selected task is opened in Workspace.
View task details or act on the task.
Close Workspace to return to SharePoint.
Refresh the page to review the task-related changes.
completed tasks are removed from the list.
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