Increase the JVM heap size

Increase the JVM heap size to 6500 MB to support files of size up to 500 MB. For files larger than 500 MB, increase the JVM heap size and increase value of the time-out parameter.
Note: Before increasing JVM heap size, ensure that you have installed enough RAM.
  • To increase JVM heap size of the JBoss application server.

    1. Navigate to [LiveCycle_root]\jboss\bin and open run.conf.bat for editing.

    2. Change value of the JVM heap size (-Xmx) parameter to Xmx6500m.

    3. Save and close run.conf.bat.

  • To increase JVM heap size of WebSphere application server.

    1. Open WebSphere Administration Console, navigate to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers.

    2. Select your server.

    3. In the Server Infrastructure section, navigate to Java and process management > Process definition > Java virtual machine.

    4. Specify a 6500 in the Maximum heap size field, click Apply and, click Save.

  • To increase JVM heap size of application server.

    1. Open WebLogic Server Administration Console, navigate to Environment>Servers, select your server, and select Sever Start tab.

    2. Change value of the JVM heap size (-Xmx) parameter to Xmx6500m, and click Save.

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