Converting PDF documents to PDF/A

You can use the DocConverter service to transform the following types of files to PDF documents that are compliant with PDF/A-1b and PDF/A-2b standards.

  • Signed or unsigned PDF documents

  • XML forms (typically created in Designer)

  • Acrobat forms

    PDF/A-1b is the ISO standard for long-term archiving of PDF-based documents. Because long-term preservation is the goal, the document contains only the information to guarantee a consistent understanding and rendering of the content, including these items:

  • Associated metadata to aid in understanding the content.

  • Schema for any custom metadata.

  • Fonts. All fonts are embedded. As a result, a PDF/A document is typically larger than a standard PDF document.

    PDF/A documents cannot contain or use the following items:

  • Audio and video content and scripts

  • Encryption

  • Scripts

    The PDF/A standards have restrictions that affect conversion of signatures and forms. When the DocConverter service converts files to PDF/A-1b or PDF/A-2b, it modifies the file to comply with the PDF/A standards. (See Signatures, Adobe XML forms and Acrobat forms.)

    If the DocConverter service cannot completely convert a file to PDF/A, it partially converts the file. In addition to the converted file, the DocConverter service also creates a conversion report. The report indicates fixes that were applied to the file and violations that could not be fixed.

    Although PDF/A is the standard for archiving PDF documents, you are not required to use PDF/A for archiving. Standard PDF documents may satisfy your company’s requirements. The purpose of the PDF/A standard is to establish a PDF file for long-term archiving and document-preservation needs. (See also PDF as a Standard for Archiving and Processing PDF/A Documents.)

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