About the Signature service and form types

LiveCycle supports several types of PDF forms. Although Acrobat or Adobe Reader users notice no apparent difference between the form types, the way the PDF form is constructed can be different. For example, forms can be rendered to PDF by the Forms service on the LiveCycle server or by Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

PDF forms that do not require rendering can be used with the Signature service in any situation. However, PDF forms that require rendering can be problematic for digital signatures, depending on how they are used.

When a PDF form that is digitally signed is rendered, the signature on the form is invalidated. For example, a user opens a dynamic PDF form in Acrobat, digitally signs it, and saves it. Then the user sends the file to a colleague in an email message. When the colleague opens the form, Acrobat renders the form to PDF, which invalidates the digital signature.

To use the Signature service, identify the type of form you are using.

Acrobat PDF form:
PDF forms that are created using Acrobat (or a similar tool). These forms do not require rendering after they are created.

Adobe PDF form:
PDF forms that are created by using Designer. These files are saved as static or dynamic PDF forms:
  • The content of static PDF forms, except for field values, does not change. When the file is opened, Acrobat or Adobe Reader use information in the file to render the PDF form. When the file is saved for the first time, the PDF form is stored in the file. The next time the form is opened, it is not rerendered.

  • The content of dynamic PDF forms can change according to user input. For example, table rows or subforms can be added as required. The PDF form is always rendered when it is opened by using Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

For more information about the static and dynamic Adobe PDF forms, see Using Designer > Working with Form Designs > Guidelines for creating PDF forms in Designer Help.

Adobe XML form:
XDP files that are created by using Designer. Adobe XML forms are prepared for opening in Acrobat or Adobe Reader by using the Forms service. The Forms service can be configured so that the PDF form is rendered by any of these agents:
  • Forms service (on the LiveCycle server) before being sent to the client

  • Acrobat

  • Adobe Reader.

Non-interactive PDF forms:
PDF forms that users can view electronically or print. For example, files that are converted to PDF from a different file format are non-interactive. These forms do not require rendering after they are created.

For information about design requirements for forms that are used in LiveCycle Workspace, see Requirements for form design and Workspace.

Note: The Flex Worksapce is deprecated for AEM forms. It is available for the LiveCycle ES4 release.

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