The Central Merge operation merges data with output templates.
It returns the result in a format supported by Central, such as
IPL, ZPL, PDF, PS, or PCL. This operation can use an external preamble
For example, you have a field-nominated data file that contains
customer information, such as the name, address, and invoice number.
Your application can use the Central Merge operation to merge the
data file with an Invoice output template design. Your application
can then use the following services available in LiveCycle to email,
save to disk, or print the output file:
Email service
File Utilities service
Output service’s sendToPriner operation
In addition
to the primary input parameters (data file and template), this operation
accepts a string representing command-line options passed to the Central
JFMERGE command. You can use these options to specify all standard options
that you use in your current Central job management database (JMD).
Central Merge operation can produce a trace file. To enable this
feature, specify the trace file option. You can use the trace file
to achieve a page 1 of n page numbering scheme on generated
documents by performing these tasks:
Run Central Merge
once to obtain a trace file.
Pass the resultant trace file to a second run of Central
Merge to format the page numbering.
The Central Merge operation
runs the Central JFMERGE command (Central Print Agent). This operation
uses the jfmerge.ini file in the same way that Central Pro uses