Decision Point Service

The Decision Point service is used in Workbench processes for a branching decisions.

Several situations require the use of the Decision Point service:

  • Several routes need to be evaluated to determine the first operation to execute in a process.

    This situation occurs when a process is initiated when someone submits a form, and form data determines the first action to execute in the Workbench process. For example, a customer can fill an invoice dispute form through your corporate website. The monetary value claimed by the invoice determines whether the form is routed to a first-level manager for approval or to a credit representative for processing.

  • Several different routes in a process converge at a point where a set of rules are evaluated.

    This situation can occur when the process loops to a step where a set of rules are re-evaluated. For example, in a quality assurance process, an issue must go through a retesting process until it is fixed and the process can proceed.

    This situation can also occur if several branches converge after running in parallel. For example, in a process for hiring new employees, when an applicant is hired, several subprocesses are initiated as part of the hiring process. When each of the subprocesses completes, multiple rules based on the data of each subprocess are evaluated to determine the next step.

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