Email is commonly used to distribute content or provide
status information as part of an automated process. The Email service
enables processes to receive email messages from a POP3 or IMAP
server, and send email messages to an SMTP server.
For example, a process uses the Email service to send an email
message with a PDF form attachment. The Email service connects to
an SMTP server to send the email message with the attachment. The
PDF form is designed to let the recipient click Submit after completing
the form. The action causes the form to be returned as an attachment
to the designated email server. The Email service retrieves the
returned email message and stores the completed form in a process data
form variable.
When the Email service connects to a POP3 or IMAP server to retrieve
an email message, it requires a way to identify a unique message
from others in the inbox. Typically, this identification is done
by embedding a unique identifier in the subject line, such as the
process ID, or by searching for a particular sender. The Email service
provides the capability to customize the from, to, subject,
and body text of an email message. Developers can specify
search criteria for a matching email message, such as the sender
or subject of the email message.