The Barcoded Forms service extracts data from electronic
images of barcodes. The service accepts TIFF and PDF files that
include one or more barcodes as input and extracts the barcode data.
Barcode data can be formatted in various ways, including XML, delimited
string, or any custom format created with JavaScript.
The Barcoded Forms service supports the following two-dimensional
(2D) symbologies supplied as scanned TIFF or PDF documents:
Data Matrix
QR Code
The service also supports the following one-dimensional symbologies
supplied as scanned TIFF or PDF documents:
Code 3 of 9
Important: You must consider the following limitations
when using the Barcoded Forms service:
The service fully supports AcroForms and static forms
containing 2D barcodes that are simply saved using Adobe Reader
or Acrobat. However, for 1D barcodes, you must either flatten the
form or supply it as scanned PDF or TIFF document.
Dynamic XFA forms are not fully supported. For the service
to properly decode 1D and 2D barcodes in a dynamic form, you must
either flatten the form or supply it as scanned PDF or TIFF document.
In addition, barcodes need not originate from forms. The service
can decode any barcode that uses supported symbology provided that
the above limitations are observed.
For more information on how to create interactive barcoded forms,
see Designer Help.