Specify the document permissions for users and groups
You can specify document permissions for one user or group
at a time, or you can select multiple users and groups from the
list and change their permissions using the options in the column
headings area.
By default, all policy-protected documents have a permission
that allows users to open them while online.
The Permissions and Options tab are displayed in Rights Management.
These document permissions are available on the Permissions tab.
You can apply these permissions to PDF, PTC Pro/E, and Microsoft
Office files.
Permits the user to print a document that is protected with
this policy. For Office and Pro/E files, you can select the Print
check box to allow printing, or clear it to prevent printing. If
you select the Show Custom Permissions For PDF check box, you can
select from these options:
Not Allowed:
User is not allowed to print the PDF.
User is allowed to print the PDF.
Low res. only:
User is allowed to print the PDF at a low resolution.
Permits the user to modify a document that is protected with
this policy. For Office and Pro/E files, you can select the Modify
check box to allow modifications, or clear it to prevent modifications.
If you select the Show Custom Permissions For PDF check box, you
can select from these options:
Not Allowed:
User is not allowed to modify the PDF.
User can modify the PDF.
User is allowed to collaborate with others, using the Collaborate options
in Adobe Acrobat. This permission allows the user to copy form data even
if the Copy permission is not explicitly given in the policy.
Alter Pages:
User is allowed to add and remove pages and edit content
in the PDF.
Fill & Sign:
User is allowed to fill form fields on the PDF and sign it.
Permits the user to copy text from a document that is protected
with this policy.
Screen Reader:
This permission is displayed if you select the Show Custom Permissions
For PDF check box. When this option is selected, Adobe Acrobat has permission
to add temporary tags to the PDF to improve its readability with
a screen reader.
These document permissions are available
on the Options tab. You can apply these permissions to PDF, PTC
Pro/E, and Microsoft Office files:
Permits the user to view a document offline that is protected
with this policy.
Permission Validity:
Select Permissions Are Always Valid or set a document permissions
validity period. If you select a validity period, click the calendar
icons to select a date and use the arrows to specify the time in
24-hour format.
Permits the document publisher to revoke document access
Permits the document publisher to switch policy privileges.