For each document that is listed on the Documents page,
you can see the document name, publisher name, policy name, and
date the document was protected. If the policy that protected a
document has been deleted, the policy ID is listed under Policy
You can also view more details, which are described below, about
a particular document on the Document Detail page:
Note: You must use the Policy Name link on the Document
Detail page to access policies that are auto-generated in Microsoft
Outlook for recipients of a document that is attached to an email
message. These policies do not appear on the policies page.
Document Name:
The name of the selected document.
Document ID:
A unique identifier that Rights Management assigns when a policy
is applied to the document. Rights Management uses this number to
track the document.
Document Status:
Status of the document (for example, active or revoked.)
Name of the user who attached the policy to the document.
Policy Name:
The name of the policy that is used to protect the document.
You can click the name to open the policy. You must use this link
to access policies that Acrobat generates for recipients of a document
that is attached to an email message in Outlook. Those policies
do not appear on the Policies page.
Policy Type:
The type of policy that was applied to the document.
Date Published:
The date the policy was applied to the document.
Related Iterations:
If the document has related iterations, this item also appears
in the list. Click the link to view the list of related iterations
for the document.
Users can view information about their protected
documents. Administrators can view information about documents that
any user has protected with a policy. Policy set coordinators can
view information about documents that are protected by policies
from their policy sets.
On the Rights Management
page, click Documents.
In the list of documents, click the appropriate document.
The Document Detail page opens, displaying detailed information
about the document. This page also provides options for revoking
document access, switching the policy, and viewing events that are
related to this document.