Add cover page to policy protected documents

In the case of most non-Adobe PDF viewers, if you open a Rights Management protected document either the first page is displayed as a blank page or the application aborts without opening the document.

You can use the Page 0 (Wrapper Document) support to allow non-Adobe PDF viewers to open a protected document and display a cover page in the document.

Note: When viewing such documents (containing a Page 0) in Adobe Reader/Acrobat or Mobile Reader, the protected document is opened by default.

To add cover page to a policy protected document

Use the following processes in LiveCycle Workbench:

Protect Document With Cover Page:
Secures a PDF document with the specified policy, and adds a cover page to the document

Extract Protected Document:
Extracts the policy-protected PDF document from the PDF document with cover page

Use the following Rights Management APIs:

Secures a given PDF with the specified policy, and returns a document with a cover page and the protected document as an attachment
//Create a ServiceClientFactory instance 
ServiceClientFactory factory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps); 
//Create a RightsManagementClient object 
RightsManagementClient rightsClient = new RightsManagementClient(factory); 
//Reference a PDF document to which a policy is applied 
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\testFile.pdf"); 
Document inPDF = new Document(fileInputStream); 
//Reference a Cover Page document 
FileInputStream coverPageInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\CoverPage.pdf"); 
Document inCoverDoc = new Document(coverPageInputStream); 
//Create a Document Manager object 
DocumentManager documentManager = rightsClient.getDocumentManager(); 
//Apply a policy to the PDF document 
RMSecureDocumentResult rmSecureDocument = documentManager.protectDocumentWithCoverPage( 
//Retrieve the policy-protected PDF document 
Document protectPDF = rmSecureDocument.getProtectedDoc(); 
//Save the policy-protected PDF document 
File myFile = new File("C:\\PolicyProtectedDoc.pdf"); 

Extracts the protected document which is an attachment in the document with cover page. The document with the cover page can be created using protectDocumentWithCoverPage method
//Create a ServiceClientFactory instance 
ServiceClientFactory factory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps); 
//Create a RightsManagementClient object 
RightsManagementClient rightsClient = new RightsManagementClient(factory); 
//Reference a protected PDF document with a Cover Page 
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\policyProtectedDocWithCoverPage.pdf"); 
Document inPDF = new Document(fileInputStream); 
//Create a Document Manager object 
DocumentManager documentManager = rightsClient.getDocumentManager(); 
//Apply a policy to the PDF document 
Document extractedDoc = documentManager.extractProtectedDocument(inPDF); 
//Save the policy-protected PDF document 
File myFile = new File("C:\\PolicyProtectedDoc.pdf"); 

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