To sanitize PDF document, perform the following steps:
Include project files.
Create a PDFUtilityService client.
Invoke the sanitization operation.
Include project files
Include necessary
files into your development project. To create a client application
using Java, include the necessary JAR files.
Create a PDFUtilityService client
you can programmatically perform a sanitization operation, you must create
a PDFUtilityService client. With the Java API, this is accomplished
by creating a PDFUtilityServiceClient object.
Invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation
you create the service client, you can invoke the sanitization operation.
Sanitize documents by using the PDF Utilities API (Java):
Include project files
Include client JAR files,
such as the adobe-pdfutility-client.jar, in your Java project’s
class path.
Create a PDFUtilityService client
Create a PDFUtilityServiceClient object
by using its constructor and passing a ServiceClientFactory object
that contains connection properties.
Invoke the PDF to XDP conversion operation
To perform
the conversion, invoke the PDFUtilityServiceClient object’s convertPDFtoXDP method
and pass in a com.adobe.idp.Document object that
represents the PDF file. The method returns a com.adobe.idp.Document object
that represents the newly created XDP file.