The following Java code example disassembles a PDF document
named AssemblerResultPDF.pdf. Notice that the name of the
DDX document is shell_disassemble.xml. Each disassembled
PDF document is named ResultPDF[Number].pdf. That is, the
first disassembled PDF document is named ResultPDF1.pdf. For
information about the shell_disassemble.xml DDX document used
in this code example, see Programmatically Disassembling PDF Documents.
* This Java Quick Start uses the EJB mode and contains the following JAR files
* in the class path:
* 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
* 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
* 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
* 4. adobe-utilities.jar
* 5. jbossall-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the LiveCycle Server is not deployed
* on JBoss)
* 6. jacorb.jar (use a different JAR file if the LiveCycle Server is not deployed on JBoss)
* 7. jnp-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the LiveCycle Server is not deployed on JBoss)
* The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
* your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
* These JAR files are located in the following path:
* <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
* The adobe-utilities.jar file is located in the following path:
* <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
* The jbossall-client.jar file is located in the following path:
* <install directory>/jboss/client
* If you want to invoke a remote LiveCycle Server instance and there is a
* firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
* recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
* you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
* path
* <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
* For information about the SOAP
* mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
* see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
* with LiveCycle
* For complete details about the location of the LiveCycle JAR files,
* see "Including LiveCycle Java library files" in Programming
* with LiveCycle
* The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
*<DDX xmlns="">
* <PDFsFromBookmarks prefix="stmt">
* <PDF source="AssemblerResultPDF.pdf"/>
import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.adobe.idp.Document;
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
public class DisassemblePDF
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Set connection properties required to invoke LiveCycle
Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_EJB_ENDPOINT, "jnp://hiro-xp:1099");
connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");
//Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);
//Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);
//Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell_disassemble.xml");
//Create a Document object based on the DDX file
Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);
//Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
Map inputs = new HashMap();
FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\AssemblerResultPDF.pdf");
//Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
Document myPDFSource = new Document(mySourceMap);
//Place two entries into the Map object
//Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();
//Submit the job to Assembler service
AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();
//Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
Document outDoc = null;
int index = 0;
//Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF document
for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
// Retrieve the Map object?s value
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
Object o = e.getValue();
//Cast the Object to a Document
//and save to a file
outDoc = (Document)o;
File myOutFile = new File("C:\\ResultPDF"+index +".pdf");
if (index > 0)
System.out.println("The PDF document was disassembled into "+index+" PDF documents.");
System.out.println("The PDF document was not disassembled.");
}catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error OCCURRED: "+e.getMessage());