Quick Start (MTOM): Determining whether a document is PDF/A compliant using the web service API
The following C# code example determines whether the input
PDF document is PDF/A compliant. The input PDF document that is
passed to the Assembler service is named Loan.pdf. The name
of the DDX document is shell_PDFA.xml. The XML document that
is returned from the Assembler service and specifies whether the
input PDF document is PDF/A compliant is saved as an XML file named result.xml.
(See Determining Whether Documents Are PDF/A- Compliant.)
* Ensure that you create a .NET project that uses
* MS Visual Studio 2008 and version 3.5 of the .NET
* framework. This is required to invoke a
* LiveCycle service using MTOM.
* For information, see "Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM" in Programming with LiveCycle
* The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
*<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
* <DocumentInformation source="Loan.pdf" result="Loan_result.xml">
* <PDFAValidation compliance="PDF/A-1b" resultLevel="Detailed"
* ignoreUnusedResources="true" allowCertificationSignatures="true" />
* </DocumentInformation>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.IO;
using PDFACompliant.ServiceReference1;
namespace PDFACompliant
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
AssemblerServiceClient assembleClient = new AssemblerServiceClient();
assembleClient.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress("http://hiro-xp:8080/soap/services/AssemblerService?blob=mtom");
//Enable BASIC HTTP authentication
BasicHttpBinding b = (BasicHttpBinding)assembleClient.Endpoint.Binding;
b.MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Mtom;
assembleClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "administrator";
assembleClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
b.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
b.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly;
b.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2000000;
b.MaxBufferSize = 2000000;
b.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = 2000000;
// Create BLOB objects that represents the input DDX file and input PDF document
BLOB ddxDoc = new BLOB();
BLOB pdfDoc = new BLOB();
// Get the input DDX document and input PDF document
string ddxFileName = "C:\\shell_PDFA.xml";
FileStream ddxFs = new FileStream(ddxFileName, FileMode.Open);
string pdfFile = "C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf";
FileStream pdfFs = new FileStream(pdfFile, FileMode.Open);
// Get the lengths of the file streams and create byte arrays
int ddxLen = (int)ddxFs.Length;
byte[] ddxByteArray = new byte[ddxLen];
int pdfLen = (int)pdfFs.Length;
byte[] pdfByteArray = new byte[pdfLen];
// Populate the byte arrays with the contents of the file streams
ddxFs.Read(ddxByteArray, 0, ddxLen);
pdfFs.Read(pdfByteArray, 0, pdfLen);
// Populate the BLOB objects
ddxDoc.MTOM = ddxByteArray;
pdfDoc.MTOM = pdfByteArray;
// Create the map containing the PDF source document
MyMapOf_xsd_string_To_xsd_anyType inputMap = new MyMapOf_xsd_string_To_xsd_anyType();
MyMapOf_xsd_string_To_xsd_anyType_Item inLoanDoc = new MyMapOf_xsd_string_To_xsd_anyType_Item();
inLoanDoc.key = "Loan.pdf";
inLoanDoc.value = pdfDoc;
// Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();
assemblerSpec.failOnError = false;
// Send the request to the Assembler Service
AssemblerResult result = assembleClient.invoke(ddxDoc, inputMap, assemblerSpec);
//Extract the XML document that specifies whether
//the input PDF is PDF/A compliant
BLOB outDoc = null;
PDFACompliant.ServiceReference1.Map mapResult = result.documents;
for (int i = 0; i < mapResult.Count; i++)
String myKey = (String)(mapResult[i].key);
if (myKey == "Loan_result.xml")
outDoc = (BLOB)(mapResult[i].value);
//Populate a byte array with the BLOB
byte[] outByteArray = outDoc.MTOM;
//Create a new file containing the returned PDF document
string FILE_NAME = "C:\\result.xml";
FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(FILE_NAME, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs2);
Console.WriteLine("The results are written to result.xml.");
catch (Exception ee)
Console.WriteLine("An unexpected exception was encountered: " + ee.Message + "\n" + ee.StackTrace);