Quick Start (Java SwaRef): Encrypting a PDF document with a certificate using the web service API

The following Java code example encrypts a PDF document named Loan.pdf with a certificate named Encryption.cer. The encrypted PDF document is saved as a PDF file named EncryptLoanCert.pdf. (See Encrypting PDF Documents with Certificates.)

    * Ensure that you create Java proxy files that consume 
    * the Encryption services  WSDL. You can use JAX-WS to create 
    * the proxy Java files.   
    * For information, see "Invoking LiveCycle using SwaRef" in Programming with LiveCycle.   
import java.io.*; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import javax.activation.DataHandler; 
import javax.activation.FileDataSource; 
import javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider; 
import com.adobe.idp.services.*; 
public class PKIEncryptPDFSWAref { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
            // Setting configurations to retrieve the Web service 
            String url = "http://hiro-xp:8080/soap/services/EncryptionService?blob=swaRef"; 
            String username = "administrator"; 
            String password = "password"; 
            // Create the service Client objects needed 
            EncryptionServiceService encryptionService = new EncryptionServiceService(); 
            EncryptionService encryptionClient = encryptionService.getEncryptionService(); 
            // Retrieve the Web services from the LiveCycle Server. 
            ((BindingProvider) encryptionClient).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, url); 
            ((BindingProvider) encryptionClient).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username); 
            ((BindingProvider) encryptionClient).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password); 
            //Get the PDF document 
            String path1 = "C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf"; 
            FileDataSource ds1 = new FileDataSource(path1);  
            DataHandler handler1 = new DataHandler(ds1); 
            BLOB inDoc = new BLOB(); 
            //Set the List that stores PKI information 
            MyArrayOfCertificateEncryptionIdentity pkiIdentities = new MyArrayOfCertificateEncryptionIdentity();  
            //Set the Permission List 
            MyArrayOfXsdAnyType permList = new MyArrayOfXsdAnyType(); 
//            permList.getItem().add("PKI_ALL_PERM"); 
            //Create a Recipient object to store certificate information 
            Recipient recipient = new Recipient(); 
            //Specify the private key that is used to encrypt the document 
//            FileInputStream fileInputStreamCert = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Encryption.cer");     
//            Document privateKey = new Document (fileInputStreamCert);  
//            recipient.setX509Cert(privateKey); 
            String path2 = "C:\\Adobe\Encryption.cer"; 
            FileDataSource ds2 = new FileDataSource(path2);  
            DataHandler handler2 = new DataHandler(ds2); 
            BLOB inCert = new BLOB(); 
            //Create an EncryptionIdentity object 
            CertificateEncryptionIdentity encryptionId = new CertificateEncryptionIdentity();  
            //Add the EncryptionIdentity to the list 
            //Set encryption run-time options 
            CertificateEncryptionOptionSpec certOptionsSpec = new CertificateEncryptionOptionSpec();  
            //Encrypt the PDF document with a certificate 
            BLOB encryptDoc = encryptionClient.encryptPDFUsingCertificates(inDoc,pkiIdentities, certOptionsSpec);  
            //Create a new file containing the returned PDF document 
            File f = new File("C:\\Adobe\EncryptLoanCert.pdf"); 
            BLOB outBlob = encryptDoc; 
            DataHandler handler3 = outBlob.getSwaRef(); 
            //Get an InputStream from DataHandler and 
            //write to a file 
            InputStream inputStream = handler3.getInputStream(); 
            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); 
            //Iterate through the buffer 
            byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; 
            int len; 
            while ((len = inputStream.read(buf)) > 0) 
                out.write(buf, 0, len); 
            }catch (Exception e) { 

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