Quick Start (Base64): Managing access control lists using the web service API
The following C# code example reads and creates access
control lists (ACLs) in the LiveCycle repository.
* Ensure that you create a .NET client assembly that uses
* base64 encoding. This is required to populate a BLOB
* object with data or retrieve data from a BLOB object.
* For information, see "Invoking LiveCycle using Base64 Encoding"
* in Programming with LiveCycle
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
namespace RepositoryWebService
class UseACL
static void Main(string[] args)
// This example will read and create access control lists for resources in the LiveCycle repository.
//Create a RepositoryServiceService object
RepositoryServiceService repositoryClient = new RepositoryServiceService();
repositoryClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("administrator", "password");
// Specify the URI of the resource to be used
String resourceUri = "/Applications/FormsApplication";
// Retrieve the access control list for the resource
AccessControlList acl = repositoryClient.readAccessControlList(resourceUri, null);
// Retrieve a list of the users having access permissions
object[] users = acl.usersWithPermissions;
// Print out the list of users
Console.WriteLine("The following users have permissions:");
for (int i = 0; i < users.Length; i++)
String user = (String)(users[i]);
Console.WriteLine("User identifier: " + user);
// Set up a new access control list
acl = new AccessControlList();
// Create traversal permissions for the folder
object[] permissions = new object[2];
permissions[0] = "Traverse";
permissions[1] = "Read";
AccessControlEntry aclEntry = new AccessControlEntry();
aclEntry.permissions = permissions;
object[] entries = new object[1];
entries[0] = aclEntry;
acl.entries = entries;
// Set the user who will have access
Object[] usersWithPermissions = new object[1];
usersWithPermissions[0] = users[0];
acl.usersWithPermissions = usersWithPermissions;
// Set the access control list for the folder
repositoryClient.writeAccessControlList(resourceUri, acl, true, 0,true, null);
catch (Exception e)
"Exception thrown while trying to manage access control lists" +