Creating Components That Use Custom Data Types

LiveCycle provides the ability to create components that use custom data types as input and output values. Creating components that support custom data types lets you create processes that support data types that are used within your organization or within your workflows. For example, you can create a data type that keeps track of account information, such as the account balance. After you create a custom data type, you can use it within LiveCycle processes.

Note: You can also invoke the component’s services using APIs. (See Invoking the services in the Bank component using web services.)

The following illustration shows the Variable dialog box that is accessible in Workbench. Notice that the data type of the Customer variable is com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer, which is an example of a custom data type.

A variable that is based on a custom data type can be used in processes that you create in Workbench. For example, the Customer variable shown in the previous diagram can be used in processes that involves tracking customer information.

The bank component that is created in this section is related to a fictional bank where a new customer profile can be created and a new account opened for the customer. This component contains two services: Customer service and Account service.

The Customer service contains the following operations:

  • createCustomer: Creates a new customer.

  • updateCustomer: Updates customer information.

  • getCustomerInfo: Retrieves information about the customer.

  • deleteCustomer: Deletes the customer.

The Account service contains the following operations:

  • createAccount: Creates a new account.

  • updateAccount: Updates account information.

  • getAccountInfo: Retrieves information about the account.

  • deleteAccount: Deletes the account.

Note: Before you create a component that uses custom data types, it is recommended that you understand how to create components. For information, see Creating Your First Component.

Sample files

This section creates Java classes and interfaces that correspond to Java files that can be located in the sample email component located at C:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES4\sdk\samples\Foundation\CustomComponents\Bank, where C:\ is the LiveCycle installation location. As you read through this section, it is recommended that you also refer to the sample files.

Summary of steps

To develop a component that uses custom data types, perform the following steps:

  1. Set up your development environment.

  2. Create your application logic.

  3. Define the component XML file.

  4. Deploy the component to LiveCycle.

  5. Test your component.

Setting up your development environment

The first step to create a component is to create a new Eclipse Java project. Like other Java projects, you must add JAR files to your project’s class path on which your Java business logic is dependent. Because application logic within this component requires a com.adobe.idp.Document object, add the adobe-livecycle-client.jar file to your class path. For information about LiveCycle JAR files, see Including LiveCycle Java library files

Note: The bank component does not require JAR files other than adobe-livecycle-client.jar.

Creating your application logic

Defining the customer service interface

To develop the bank component, you must create the customer service interface, which defines the service’s operations, input values, and return values. This service has four operations, all of which must be defined in the service interface. The following Java code example shows the customer interface that belongs to the bank component. Notice that the name of the Java interface is CustomerService and is located in the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer package.

Defining the customer service interface

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer; 
    * The Customer service provides methods to 
    * create a new Customer object, delete 
    * the Customer, and update the customer information. Information 
    * about the customer can also be retrieved.  
public interface CustomerService { 
        * Create a new customer 
        * @param inCustomer Customer object containing information about the customer 
        * @return customerId unique string identifying the customer 
        * @exception CustomerException if any of the fields in the Customer object are missing 
       public String createCustomer(Customer inCustomer)throws CustomerException; 
        * Delete the customer 
        * @param inCustomerId unique string identifying the customer 
        * @exception CustomerException if customer does not exist 
       public void deleteCustomer(String inCustomerId)throws CustomerException; 
        * Update the customer 
        * @param inCustomer Customer object 
        * @exception CustomerException if customer does not exist 
       public void updateCustomer(Customer inCustomer)throws CustomerException; 
        * Get the customer information 
        * @param inCustomerId id of customer 
        * @return Customer information 
        * @exception CustomerException if customer does not exist 
       public Customer getCustomerInfo(String inCustomerId)throws CustomerException; 
Note: Notice in the above code example that the methods throw CustomerException. For information, see Creating user-defined exceptions.

Defining the account service interface

To develop the bank component, create the account service interface, which defines the account service’s operations, input values, and return values. This service has four operations, all of which must be defined in the service interface. The following Java code example shows the account interface that belongs to the bank component. Notice that the name of the Java interface is AccountService and it belongs to the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account package.

Defining the account service interface

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account; 
    * Adds a new account for a specific customer 
public interface AccountService { 
        * Creates a new bank account 
        * @param accountType An enumeration of different kinds of accounts 
        * @param accountInfo An account information object 
        * @return The identifier value of the new account  
        * @exception AccountException if account information is missing 
       public long createNewAccount(AccountTypes accountType, AccountInfo accountInfo) throws AccountException; 
        * Removes the account 
        * @param accountId The identifier of the account  
        * @exception AccountException if the account is not found 
       public void removeAccount(long accountId)throws AccountException; 
        * Update the account information 
        * @param accountInfo Specifies the updated account information 
        * @exception AccountException if account is not found 
       public void updateAccount(AccountInfo accountInfo)throws AccountException; 
        * Get account information 
        * @param accountId The identifier of the account from which to retrieve information 
        * @return Ab AccountInfo object containing account information 
        * @exception AccountInfo if account is not found 
       public AccountInfo getAccountInfo(long accountId)throws AccountException; 

Defining the Customer class

Create the Customer class that implements the abstract interface. All user-defined objects must follow the Java Bean requirement of setter and getter methods and implement Objects of this type are used by the Customer service.

The Customer class exposes the following data members:

  • city

  • customerId

  • name

  • phone

  • state

  • street

  • zip

The following example shows the Customer class that belongs to the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer package.

Defining the Customer Java Bean

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer; 
    * The Customer object holds personal information 
    * about a customer. An object of this type is passed to the  
    * Customer service to register a new customer. 
public class Customer implements { 
    //Specifies the name of the customer 
       private String name; 
       //Specifies the street of the customer 
       private String street; 
       //Specifies the customer's city 
       private String city; 
       //Specifies customer's state 
       private String state; 
       //Specifies the customer's zip code 
       private int zip; 
       //Specifies the customer's phone number 
       private String phone; 
       //Specifies the customer's identifier value 
       private String customerId; 
       //Returns the customer's city 
       public String getCity() { 
           return city; 
       //Sets the customer's city 
       public void setCity(String city) { 
  = city; 
       //Gets the customer's phone number 
       public String getPhone() { 
           return phone; 
       //Sets the customer's phone number 
       public void setPhone(String phone) { 
  = phone; 
       //Gets the customer's state 
       public String getState() { 
           return state; 
       //Sets the customer's state 
       public void setState(String state) { 
           this.state = state; 
      //Gets the customer's street 
       public String getStreet() { 
           return street; 
       //Sets the customer's street 
       public void setStreet(String street) { 
           this.street = street; 
       //Gets the customer's ZIP code 
       public int getZip() { 
           return zip; 
       //Sets the customer's ZIP code 
       public void setZip(int zip) { 
  = zip; 
       //Gets the customer's identifier value 
       public String getCustomerId() { 
           return customerId; 
       //Sets the customer's identifier value 
       public void setCustomerId(String customerId) { 
           this.customerId = customerId; 
       //Gets the customer's name 
       public String getName() { 
           return name; 
       //Sets the customer's name 
       public void setName(String name) { 
  = name; 

Defining the Account class

Create the AccountInfo class, which is a Java Bean that implements the abstract interface. All user-defined objects must follow the Java Bean requirement of setter and getter methods and implement Objects of this type are used by the Account service.

The AccountInfo class exposes the following data members:

  • accountBalance

  • accountId

  • accountOpenedDate

  • accountType

  • customerId

  • newAccountSignatureForm

The following example shows the AccountInfo class that belongs to the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account package.

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account; 
import java.util.Date; 
import com.adobe.idp.Document; 
// The AccountInfo object holds bank account information for the customer 
public class AccountInfo implements { 
    //Specifies the date when the account was created 
       private Date accountOpenedDate; 
       //Specifies the identifier value of the account 
       private long accountId; 
       //Specifies the account balance 
       private double accountBalance; 
       //Specifies the account form 
       private Document newAccountSignatureForm; 
       //Specifies the identifier of the custom who opened the account 
       private String customerId; 
       //Specifies the type of account 
       private String accountType; 
       //Gets the type of account 
       public String getAccountType() { 
           return accountType; 
       //Sets the type of account 
       public void setAccountType(String accountType) { 
           this.accountType = accountType; 
       //Gets the customer identifier value 
       public String getCustomerId() { 
           return customerId; 
       //Sets the customer identifier value 
       public void setCustomerId(String customerId) { 
           this.customerId = customerId; 
       //Gets the account form 
       public Document getNewAccountSignatureForm() { 
           return newAccountSignatureForm; 
       //Sets the account form 
       public void setNewAccountSignatureForm(Document newAccountSignatureForm) { 
           this.newAccountSignatureForm = newAccountSignatureForm; 
       //Gets the identifier of the account 
       public long getAccountId() { 
           return accountId; 
       //Sets the identifier of the account 
       public void setAccountId(long accountId) { 
           this.accountId = accountId; 
       //Gets the date when the account was opened 
       public Date getAccountOpenedDate() { 
           return accountOpenedDate; 
       //Sets the date when the account was opened 
       public void setAccountOpenedDate(Date accountOpenedDate) { 
           this.accountOpenedDate = accountOpenedDate; 
       //Gets the balance of the account 
       public double getAccountBalance() { 
           return accountBalance; 
     //Sets the balance of the account 
       public void setAccountBalance(double accountBalance) { 
           this.accountBalance = accountBalance; 

Defining the Account type enumeration values

The bank component uses a Java enumeration value named AccountType that specifies the different account types. This enum value is used as an input value for the Account service’s createNewAccount operation. The following account types are defined:

  • Savings

  • RegularChecking

  • MoneyMarket

  • InterestChecking

  • CertificateOfDeposit

The following Java code shows a Java enum named AccountTypes and belongs to the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account package.

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account; 
    * The AccountTypes enum value is used as input values for  
    * operations that belong to the Account service. 
public enum AccountTypes { 
       Savings, RegularChecking, MoneyMarket, InterestChecking, 
Note: When you create an enum value, you must define an enum property editor within the component XML file. For information, see “enum property editor” in Defining the component XML file for the bank component.

Creating user-defined exceptions

Creating user-defined exceptions is a way of distinguishing exceptions thrown by your own services. It is optional because you can rely on the built-in java.lang.Exception object to be thrown from your methods. The bank component created in this section uses two user-defined exceptions:

  • CustomerException is located in the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer package.

  • AccountException is located in the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account package.

The following Java code creates the CustomerException.

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer; 
    * CustomerException throws Customer service specific exceptions. 
public class CustomerException extends Exception { 
       public CustomerException() { 
       public CustomerException(String message){ 

The following Java code creates the AccountException.

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account; 
    * AccountException throws Account service specific exceptions. 
public class AccountException extends Exception { 
       public AccountException() { 
       public AccountException(String message){ 

Defining the customer service implementation

You must create the customer service’s implementation class that extends the Customer interface. For information, see Defining the customer service interface.

The business logic that is executed by LiveCycle when the operation is invoked must be specified in the corresponding methods. For example, consider the createCustomer method that is defined in the CustomerService interface. You must define business logic within the createCustomer method that creates a new customer.

The customer service implementation defines application logic for the following methods.

  • createCustomer: Creates a new customer.

  • updateCustomer: Updates customer information.

  • getCustomerInfo: Retrieves information about the customer.

  • deleteCustomer: Deletes the customer.

The following Java code example creates the customer implementation class named CustomerServiceImpl and implements the CustomerService interface.Defining the customer service implementation.

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
    * The Customer service creates a new Customer object, deletes 
    * the Customer and updates the Customer information. Information 
    * about the Customer can also be retrieved. Typically,  
    * customer information is stored in a database, however  
    * for demonstration purposes, customer information will be stored  
    * in a HashMap. 
public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService { 
        * Keep the customer information in memory. Normally, 
        * this information would be in a database. 
       private static HashMap customerMap; 
      //Creates a new customer 
       public String createCustomer(Customer inCustomer)throws CustomerException { 
           if (inCustomer == null){ 
               //invalid Customer object 
               if (customerMap == null){ 
                   customerMap = new HashMap(); 
               //Validate that the Customer object has data in it. 
               if (isEmpty(inCustomer.getName())) 
                   //throw an exception that Name is required. 
                   throw new CustomerException("Customer name is required"); 
               //Validate that the Address object is not null. 
               if (isEmpty(inCustomer.getStreet()) || 
                       isEmpty(inCustomer.getCity()) || isEmpty(inCustomer.getState())) 
                   //throw an exception that the Address is required 
                   throw new CustomerException("Customer address information is required"); 
               //generate unique a customer id  
               inCustomer.setCustomerId(inCustomer.getName() + System.currentTimeMillis()); 
               //add the new customer. 
               customerMap.put(inCustomer.getCustomerId(), inCustomer); 
           return inCustomer.getCustomerId(); 
       //Deletes the specified customer 
       public void deleteCustomer(String customerId) throws CustomerException{ 
           if (customerMap == null){ 
               throw new CustomerException("No customers exist"); 
           if (!(customerMap.containsKey(customerId))) 
               throw new CustomerException("The customer does not exist"); 
      //Retrieves customer information 
       public Customer getCustomerInfo(String customerId)throws CustomerException { 
           if (customerMap == null){ 
               throw new CustomerException("No customers exist"); 
           if (!(customerMap.containsKey(customerId))) 
               throw new CustomerException("The customer does not exist"); 
           return (Customer)customerMap.get(customerId); 
      //Updates customer information 
       public void updateCustomer(Customer customer)throws CustomerException { 
           if (customerMap == null){ 
               throw new CustomerException("No customers exist"); 
           if (!(customerMap.containsKey(customer.getCustomerId()))) 
               throw new CustomerException("The customer does not exist"); 
           customerMap.put(customer.getCustomerId(), customer); 
       //Determines whether the specified string contains only non whitespace 
       private boolean isEmpty(String aValue) { 
           return (aValue == null || aValue.trim().length() == 0); 

Defining the account service implementation

You must create the Account service’s implementation class that extends the Account interface. For information, see Defining the account service interface.

The business logic that is executed by LiveCycle when the operation is invoked must be specified in the corresponding methods. For example, consider the createAccount method that is defined in the AccountService interface. You must define business logic within the createAccount method that creates a new account.

The account service implementation defines application logic for the following methods:

  • createAccount: Creates a new account.

  • updateAccount: Updates account information.

  • getAccountInfo: Retrieves information about the account.

  • deleteAccount: Deletes the account.

The following Java code example creates the customer implementation class named AccountServiceImpl and implements the AccountService interface.

package com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
    * This object implements the AccountService interface. 
    * The Account Service performs operations related to a bank account 
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { 
        * Stores all the account in memory. Usually this is 
        * stored in a database.  
       private static HashMap accountMap; 
       //Creates a new account 
       public long createNewAccount(AccountTypes accountType, 
               AccountInfo accountInfo) throws AccountException{ 
           //Allocate memory for storing the account information. 
           if (accountMap == null) 
               accountMap = new HashMap(); 
           //Validate the data in the AccountInfo. 
           if (accountInfo == null){ 
               throw new AccountException("No Account Information provided"); 
           if (accountInfo.getCustomerId() == null) 
               throw new AccountException("No customer id provided"); 
           if (accountInfo.getNewAccountSignatureForm() == null){ 
               throw new AccountException("Please provide the account signature form"); 
           if (accountType != null) 
           //For demonstration purposes, accountId is the current timestamp. 
           //The account id is the key to lookup the account information. 
           accountMap.put(accountInfo.getAccountId(), accountInfo); 
           return accountInfo.getAccountId(); 
       //Returns information about the specified account 
       public AccountInfo getAccountInfo(long accountId)throws AccountException { 
           if (accountMap == null){ 
               throw new AccountException("No accounts exist"); 
           if (!accountMap.containsKey(accountId)) 
               throw new AccountException("Account does not exist"); 
           return (AccountInfo)accountMap.get(accountId); 
       //Deletes the specified account 
       public void removeAccount(long accountId)throws AccountException { 
           if (accountMap == null){ 
               throw new AccountException("No accounts exist"); 
           if (!accountMap.containsKey(accountId)) 
               throw new AccountException("Account does not exist"); 
      //Updates the account 
       public void updateAccount(AccountInfo accountInfo)throws AccountException { 
           if (accountMap == null){ 
               throw new AccountException("No accounts exist"); 
           if (!accountMap.containsKey(accountInfo.getAccountId())) 
               throw new AccountException("Account does not exist"); 
           //Get the stored account information. 
           AccountInfo storedAccount = (AccountInfo)accountMap.get(accountInfo.getAccountId()); 
           //Since we are only allowing the balance to be updated, set just the balance. 
           //Save the stored account after it's been updated. All other fields 
           //should remain the same. 
           accountMap.put(accountInfo.getAccountId(), storedAccount); 

Defining the service’s LifeCycle implementation

You can create a LifeCycle implementation class that lets you control the component’s behavior when it is started and stopped. Within the LifeCycle implementation class, you can create business logic to meet your business requirements. Adding a LifeCycle implementation class is optional.

The LifeCycle implementation class must extend the com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.LifeCycle interface and expose the following methods:

  • setComponentContext: Sets the context of the component.

  • onStart: Is invoked when the service is started.

  • onStop: Is invoked when the component is stopped.

The following Java example shows the LifeCycle implementation class named LifeCycleImpl that extends LifeCycle. This implementation class writes messages to the J2EE application server’s log file when the service is started or stopped. For information about a component’s behavior when it is started and stopped, see “Component States” in Developing Components for LiveCycle.

import java.util.logging.Level; 
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.ComponentContext; 
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.LifeCycle; 
import com.adobe.logging.AdobeLogger; 
//Controls onStart and onStop behavior. 
    public class LifeCycleImpl implements LifeCycle { 
       private static final AdobeLogger logger = AdobeLogger 
       private ComponentContext m_ctx; 
    //Sets the component's context 
       public void setComponentContext(ComponentContext aContext) { 
           if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { 
               logger.log(Level.FINE, "setComponentContext: " 
                       + aContext.getComponent().getComponentId()); 
           m_ctx = aContext; 
       // Invoked when the component is started 
       public void onStart() { 
           logger.log(Level.INFO, "Called onStart: " 
                   + m_ctx.getComponent().getComponentId()); 
       //Invoked when the component is stopped 
       public void onStop() { 
           logger.log(Level.INFO, "Called onStop: " 
                   + m_ctx.getComponent().getComponentId()); 

Defining the service’s Bootstrap implementation

You can create a Bootstrap implementation class that lets you control the component’s behavior when it is installed and uninstalled. Within the Bootstrap implementation class, you can create business logic to meet your business requirements. Adding a Bootstrap implementation class is optional.

The Bootstrap implementation class must extend the com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.Bootstrap interface and expose the following methods:

  • setBootstrapContext: Is invoked when the component is installed and a BootstrapContext instance is passed as an argument.

  • onInstall: Is invoked when the service is started.

  • onUnInstall: Is invoked when the component is stopped.

The following Java example shows the Bootstrap implementation class named BootstrapImpl that extends Bootstrap and is located within the package.

import java.util.logging.Level; 
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.Bootstrap; 
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.BootstrapContext; 
import com.adobe.logging.AdobeLogger; 
//Controls onInstall and onUninstall behavior. 
public class BootstrapImpl implements Bootstrap{ 
      private static final AdobeLogger logger = AdobeLogger.getAdobeLogger(BootstrapImpl.class); 
      private BootstrapContext m_ctx; 
      public void setBootstrapContext(BootstrapContext aCtx) { 
         logger.log(Level.INFO, "Set bootstrap context: " + aCtx.getComponent().getComponentId()); 
         m_ctx = aCtx; 
      //Invoked when the component is uninstalled 
      public void onUnInstall() { 
         logger.log(Level.INFO, "Called onUnInstall: " + m_ctx.getComponent().getComponentId()); 
      //Invoked when the component is installed 
      public void onInstall() { 
         logger.log(Level.INFO, "Called onInstall: " + m_ctx.getComponent().getComponentId()); 

Defining the component XML file for the bank component

You must create a component XML file in order to create a component that can be deployed to LiveCycle. A component XML file exists for every component and provides metadata about the component and the services contained in it.

Composite editors

When creating a component that uses custom data types, you must define the component’s composite editor so that the component can handle custom data types. Parameters that expect primitive data types, such as a string, are supported through basic property editors. However, input parameters that expect complex or custom data types must implement a composite editor, which is a property editor that enables the usage of one or more nested property editors together as a single UI to a complex data structure and the attributes and objects within it. Composite property editors are not created using Java code; instead, they are configured declaratively within the component XML file.

When creating a composite editor within the component XML file, you must assign the fully qualified name of the Java class that corresponds to the composite editor to the composite-type element. Likewise, you must assign an identifier value to the composite editor by using the composite-editor id attribute. Finally, you must specify the data members within the Java class by using the attribute element, as shown in the following example:

<composite-editor id="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer"> 
<!-- the names in the attribute list must match the names of the fields in the  
Customer object --> 
    <attribute name="name" title="First and Last Name" /> 
    <attribute name="street" title="Street" /> 
    <attribute name="city" title="City" /> 
    <attribute name="state" title="State" /> 
    <attribute name="zip" title="Zip Code" /> 
    <attribute name="phone" title="Phone Number" /> 

Notice that these six attributes correspond to the data members defined within the Customer class. For information, see Defining the Customer class.

You reference a composite editor when you define a service operation’s input values. For example, a Customer object must be passed as an input value to the Customer service’s createCustomer operation. As a result, you must reference the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer composite editor when you define input values for the createCustomer operation, as shown in the following example:

<operation name="createCustomer"> 
<input-parameter name="inCustomer"  
    title="Customer" type="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer"> 
<!-- Use the new property-editor type we defined --> 
    <property-editor editor-id="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer" /> 
    <hint>Create a new customer</hint> 

Notice that the data type of the inCustomer parameter is com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer.

When Workbench users enter literal values for the createCustomer operation, they can specify a value for each field within the Customer class. Notice that the displayed text matches the value of the title attribute defined within the composite editor.

enum property editor

You can define enum input values for service operations. For example, consider the Account service’s createNewAccount operation. This operation requires an AccountTypes enum value.

To handle an enum value as an input value, you must use an enum property editor. Like a composite editor, you reference an enum property editor when defining a service operation’s input values. Therefore, because the createNewAccount operation requires an AccountTypes enum value as an input value, you must reference a com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.system.Enum property editor when you define input values for the createNewAccount operation, as shown in the following example:

<operation name="createNewAccount"> 
<!-- Note that the AccountTypes is a enum object --> 
<input-parameter name="accountType" title="Account Type" type="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account.AccountTypes"> 
<!-- The enum property editor provides a pull down menu of all the 
    available strings in the AccountTypes object --> 
    <property-editor editor-id="com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.system.Enum" /> 

When Workbench users enter literal values for the createNewAccount operation, they must select a value from a drop-down list. Each value in the list corresponds to an enum value that is defined in com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account.AccountTypes.

Determining the order of input values

You can specify the order in which input and output values are displayed within Workbench by using the layout element. For example, consider the createNewAccount operation. This operation requires an AccountInfo object, which contains the following five field values that correspond to data members defined within the AccountInfo class: accountId, accountOpenedDate, customerId, accountBalance, and newAccountSignatureForm.

You can define the order in which these fields are displayed by using the layout element, as shown in the following example:

    <!-- Using the layout element component developers can specify the  
    grouping and order of their Property Editors --> 
    <section name="Account Type"> 
        <property ref="input/accountType" /> 
    <section name="Customer Id"> 
        <property ref="input/accountInfo/customerId" /> 
    <section name="Account Balance"> 
        <property ref="input/accountInfo/accountBalance" />     
    <section name="New Account Signature Form"> 
        <property ref="input/accountInfo/newAccountSignatureForm" /> 
    <section name="Date Account Opened"> 
        <property ref="input/accountInfo/accountOpenedDate" /> 
    <section name="Returned Account Id"> 
        <property ref="output/AccountId" /> 

The following illustration shows the results of this layout.

Note: In the illustration above, accountId is a process variable of type long.

Using the Date property editor

Within the component XML file, you can declare a Date property editor when an input value requires a java.util.Date value. For example, the AccountInfo class contains a data member named accountOpenedDate that requires a java.util.Date value. For information, see Defining the Account class.

In this situation, define a Date property editor within the com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account.AccountInfo composite editor, as shown in the following example:

<composite-editor id="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account.AccountInfo"> 
        <attribute name="accountId" title="Account Id"/> 
        <attribute name="accountOpenedDate" title="Date Account Opened"> 
        <!-- Using the CalendarPropertyEditorComponent will automatically fill the field with today's date--> 
        <property-editor editor-id= "com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.system.CalendarPropertyEditorComponent"/> 
        <attribute name="customerId" title="Customer Id"/> 
        <attribute name="accountBalance" title="Account Balance"/> 
        <attribute name="newAccountSignatureForm" title="New Account Signature Form"/> 

XML elements

The component XML file that is used for the bank component contains the following XML elements:

  • component-id: Specifies a unique identifier for the component.

  • version: Specifies the version of the component.

  • class-path: Specifies JAR files that are required by the component. For JAR files to be used by the component, they must be specified within this element.

  • bootstrap-class: Specifies the fully qualified name of the Bootstrap implementation class.

  • lifecycle-class: Specifies the fully qualified name of the LifeCycle implementation class.

  • editors: Specifies the editors used within this component.

  • composite-editor: Specifies the identifier value for this composite editor.

  • composite-type: Specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class (custom data type) that corresponds to the composite editor.

  • export-packages: Specifies that the packages com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer and com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account are exported. For example, when invoking this service using its WSDL, these two packages are exported. This element is located at the root level of the component XML file.

  • services: Specifies the services that are part of this component. This element can specify many service elements.

  • service: Specifies the name of the service.

  • implementation-class: Specifies the name of the implementation class for the service.

  • small-icon: Specifies the small icon that is used to display the service in the toolbar and Workbench.

  • large-icon: Specifies the large icon that is used to display the service.

  • operations: Specifies the operations that are part of this service. This element can contain one or many operation elements.

  • operation: Specifies the operation name.

  • input-parameter: Specifies the name and type of the input parameter for the specified operation. An input parameter element must exist for each parameter that corresponds to the operation. As well, each parameter’s data type must be specified using the type attribute.

  • output-parameter: Specifies the return value of an operation. The data type must be specified using the type attribute.

  • hint: Specifies a message that is displayed when the user clicks the property name in the property editor.

Note: For more information about the component XML file, see the Component XML Reference.

The following component.xml file is used for the bank component. Notice that this component XML file contains two services named CustomerService and AccountService.

Defining the component XML file for the Bank component

<component xmlns=""> 
    <!-- Unique ID identifying this DSC --> 
    <!-- Version --> 
    <!-- Bootstrap implementation class --> 
    <!-- LifeCycle implementation class --> 
    <!-- When using user-defined types, use the composite editor to define the --> 
    <!-- panel in which users can enter the input data for the fields of the complex type--> 
        <composite-editor id="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer.Customer"> 
                <!-- the names in the attribute list must match the names of the fields in the  
                Customer object --> 
                <attribute name="name" title="First and Last Name"/> 
                <attribute name="street" title="Street"/> 
                <attribute name="city" title="City"/> 
                <attribute name="state" title="State"/> 
                <attribute name="zip" title="Zip Code"/> 
                <attribute name="phone" title="Phone Number"/> 
        <composite-editor id="com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account.AccountInfo"> 
                <attribute name="accountId" title="Account Id"/> 
                <attribute name="accountOpenedDate" title="Date Account Opened"> 
                    <!-- Using the CalendarPropertyEditorComponent will automatically fill the  
                    field with today's date--> 
                    <property-editor editor-id= 
                <attribute name="customerId" title="Customer Id"/> 
                <attribute name="accountBalance" title="Account Balance"/> 
                <attribute name="newAccountSignatureForm" title="New Account Signature Form"/> 
           <package version="1.0">com.adobe.livecycle.sample.customer</package> 
           <package version="1.0">com.adobe.livecycle.sample.account</package> 
    <!-- Start of the Service definition --> 
        <!-- Unique name for the service descriptor. The value is used as the default name for deployed services --> 
        <service name="CustomerService"> 
            <!-- service implementation class definition --> 
            <!-- description --> 
            <description>Allows the creation, deletion and update of Customer information.</description> 
            <!-- You can provide your own icons for a distinct look --> 
            <!-- Automatically deploys the service and starts it after installation --> 
            <!-- Note that category-id indicates where the service will show up in the existing categories in  
            the Services view in workbench --> 
            <auto-deploy category-id="example" major-version="1" minor-version="0"  
                <!-- method name in the interface --> 
                <operation name="createCustomer"> 
                    <input-parameter name="inCustomer" title="Customer" 
                        <!-- Use the new property-editor type we defined --> 
                        <property-editor editor-id= 
                        <hint>Create a new customer </hint> 
                    <!-- The customer ID is returned from the createCustomer call--> 
                    <output-parameter name="CustomerId" type="java.lang.String"/> 
                        <fault name="CustomerException" type= 
                    <hint>Creates a new customer</hint> 
                <operation name="deleteCustomer"> 
                    <input-parameter name="inCustomerId" title="Customer Identification String" 
                        <hint>Delete a customer </hint> 
                        <fault name="CustomerException" type= 
                <operation name="updateCustomer"> 
                    <input-parameter name="inCustomer" title="Customer" type= 
                        <property-editor editor-id= 
                        <hint>Update customer information</hint> 
                        <fault name="CustomerException" type= 
                <operation name="getCustomerInfo"> 
                    <input-parameter name="inCustomerId" title="Customer Identification String"  
                        <hint>Get customer information</hint> 
                    <output-parameter name="Customer" type= 
                        <!-- Even though we are defining a property-editor type for our 
                         returned value, this really does not affect the way the data is 
                         returned visually. Users will still need to use the Xpath expression 
                         mechanism to get each field out 
                        of the Customer object for output --> 
                        <property-editor editor-id= 
                        <hint>Returned value is a Customer</hint> 
                        <fault name="CustomerException" type= 
        <!-- Start of second service--> 
        <service name="AccountService"> 
            <description>Allow a new account to be created for a given customer</description> 
            <!-- Put this new service under the "example" category in the Services view --> 
            <auto-deploy category-id="example" major-version="1" minor-version="0"  
                <operation name="createNewAccount"> 
                    <!-- Note that the AccountTypes is a enum object --> 
                    <input-parameter name="accountType" title="Account Type" type= 
                        <!-- The enum property editor provides a pull down menu of all the 
                         available strings in the AccountTypes object --> 
                        <property-editor editor-id= 
                    <input-parameter name="accountInfo" title="Account Information" type= 
                        <!-- Use the new property editor we defined for the Account 
                         object --> 
                        <property-editor editor-id= 
                        <hint>Create a new account </hint> 
                    <output-parameter name="AccountId" type="long"/> 
                        <fault name="AccountException" type= 
                    <!-- Using the layout element component developers can specify the  
                    grouping and order of their Property Editors --> 
                        <section name="Account Type"> 
                        <property ref="input/accountType"/> 
                        <section name="Customer Id"> 
                            <property ref="input/accountInfo/customerId"/> 
                        <section name="Account Balance"> 
                            <property ref="input/accountInfo/accountBalance"/> 
                        <section name="New Account Signature Form"> 
                            <property ref= 
                        <section name="Date Account Opened"> 
                        <property ref="input/accountInfo/accountOpenedDate"/> 
                        <section name="Returned Account Id"> 
                            <property ref="output/AccountId"/> 
                <operation name="removeAccount"> 
                    <input-parameter name="accountId" title="Account Information Id"  
                        <hint>Remove the account </hint> 
                        <fault name="AccountException" type= 
                <operation name="updateAccount"> 
                    <input-parameter name="accountInfo" title="Account Information"  
                        <property-editor editor-id= 
                        <hint>Update the account </hint> 
                        <fault name="AccountException" type= 
                    <!-- Using the layout element component developers can specify the  
                    grouping and order of their Property Editors. This time only display the 
                     accountBalance as the only field that can be updated.-->  
                        <section name="Account Id"> 
                        <property ref="input/accountInfo/accountId"/> 
                        <section name="Account Balance"> 
                            <property ref="input/accountInfo/accountBalance"/> 
                <operation name="getAccountInfo"> 
                    <input-parameter name="accountId" title="Account Information Id"  
                        <hint>Get the account information</hint> 
                    <!-- Alternatively you can use the AccountInfo property-editor we defined, but  
                    that won't change the fact for output, one has to use the xpath expression to get 
                     the individual fields out of the AccountInfo object--> 
                    <output-parameter name="AccountInfo" type= 
                        <hint>The returned Account information</hint> 
                        <fault name="AccountException" type= 
Note: The bank component does not define configuration values.

Deploying the bank component

To deploy the bank component to LiveCycle, you must package your Eclipse project into a JAR file. You must ensure that the adobe-livecycle-client.jar file and the component XML file are located at the root of the JAR file.

The following illustration shows the Eclipse project’s content, which is packaged into the bank component’s JAR file.

Package the email component into a JAR file named bank.jar. In the above illustration, notice that JAVA files are listed. After packaged into a JAR file, the corresponding CLASS files must also be specified. Without the CLASS files, the component will not work.

Note: After you package the bank component into a JAR file, you can deploy the component to LiveCycle. For information, see Deploying the email component.
Note: You can also programmatically deploy a component instead of using Workbench. (See Programmatically Deploying Components.)

Testing the bank component

After you deploy the bank component to LiveCycle, you can test it by creating a new process that uses it. Although this section does not explain all the concepts involved in creating a process, it provides the basic concepts for you to create a simple process that uses the bank component.

The following illustration shows an example process named CreateBankAccount that creates a new customer, creates a new account, and then emails a message that specifies the new customer and account identifier value. The email component created in the previous section is used to email a message to the user. For information, see Creating Your First Component.

The following table describes the operations that are used within this process.




Creates a new customer.


Creates a new account.


Sets values that are used within this process


Sends an email message to an email recipient.

Defining values for the createCustomer operation

The following illustration shows the property editor that corresponds to the createCustomer operation.

Notice that these input values correspond to the fields that are located in the Customer class. For information, see Defining the Customer class.

The createCustomer operation returns a string value that represents the customer identifier value. This value is stored in a string process variable named customerId.

Defining values for the createAccount operation

The following illustration shows the property editor that corresponds to the createAccount operation.

Notice that these input values correspond to the fields that are located in the AccountInfo class. For information, see Defining the Account class.

The customer identifier input value is assigned the value of the customerId process variable. The createAccount operation returns a string value that represents the account identifier value. This value is stored in another string process variable named accountId.

Defining values for the setValue operation

The setValue operation assigns a string process variable named outputResult with the value of customerId and accountID. The following XPath expression is used to concatenate these string values together:

    concat( "The customer ID is ", /process_data/@customerId,  
    "The bank account IDs ", /process_data/@accountId)

The following illustration shows the mapping property editor that corresponds to the SetValue operation.

Defining values for the send operation

The send operation (which belongs to the email component created in the previous section) emails the value of the outputResult process variable to the specified email recipient. For information about the send operation, see Creating Your First Component.

The following illustration shows the property editor that corresponds to the send operation.

To create a process that uses the bank component:

  1. Select File > New Process.

  2. Type CreateBankAccount for the process name and accept the default settings.

  3. In the Services view, drag the CreateCustomer, CreateAccount, SetValue, and Send operations onto the process diagram (these operations are shown in the sample process introduced in this section).

  4. Click the Properties view and confirm that default property editors have been assigned to each parameter. Enter values in the property editor.

  5. Activate the process.

Note: The process created in this section is named CreateBankAccount and contains one operation named invoke. The application logic to programmatically invoke this process is the same as the application logic to invoke the SendMail process. For information, see Invoking the SendMail process using the Java Invocation API.

Invoking the services in the Bank component using web services

You can invoke both the Customer service and Account service (both services are defined in the Bank component) using web services. This discussion describes how to create a .NET client application that invokes both of these services. That is, the .NET application is able to work with custom data types defined in the Bank component. The encoding type used in the client project is MTOM. (See Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM.)

Because there are two LiveCycle services being invoked, create two service references in your .NET client project. The first service reference is associated with the Customer service and the other service reference is associated with the Account service. Information about how to create a service reference is described in Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM.

The WSDL to create a service reference to the Customer service is:

  • http://hiro-xp:8080/soap/services/CustomerService?WSDL&lc_version=9.0.1

    Likewise, the WSDL to create a service reference to the Account service is:

  • http://hiro-xp:8080/soap/services/AccountService?WSDL&lc_version=9.0.1

    Note: Replace localhost with the IP address of the server hosting LiveCycle.

    To demonstate how to work with custom data types using web services, this section creates a .NET client application that invokes two operations. It creates a new customer by invoking Customer service’s createCustomer operation. It also invokes the Account service’s createNewAccount operation and creates a new account. The following illustration shows the client .NET application that invokes the Customer and Account services.

    Note: This application is a #C Windows Forms Application created in Visual Studio 2008. The name of the client project is BankComponentClientApplication.

    The following table lists the controls that are part of this client application.

    Control name



    Specifies the customer’s first name.


    Specifies the customer’s last name.


    Specifies the customer’s phone number.


    Specifies the customer’s street name.


    Specifies the customer’s state.


    Specifies the customer’s zip code.


    Specifies the customer’s city.


    Specifies the type of account.


    Specifies the customer identifier value to which the new account belongs. This text box is populated by the return value of the Customer service’s createCustomer operation.


    Specifies the account balance.


    Specifies the date on which the account was created.


    Specifies the account’s identifier value. This text box is populated by the return value of the Account service’s createNewAccount operation.


    The button that creates a new customer.


    The button that creates a new account.

    The following C# code example invokes the Account and Customer services and creates a new customer and a new account. The code to create a new customer is located in the buttonCreateCustomer_Click method. The code to create a new account is located in the buttonCreateAccount_Click method. Ensure that you fully qualify the service clients as shown in the following code example.

Invoking the Account and Customer services using a .NET application

    * Ensure that you create a .NET project that uses  
    * MS Visual Studio 2008 and version 3.5 of the .NET 
    * framework. This is required to invoke a  
    * LiveCycle service using MTOM. 
    * For information, see "Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM" in Programming with LiveCycle   
using System; 
using System.ServiceModel; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
//A reference to the Customer Service 
using BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference1; 
//A reference to the Account Service 
using BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference2;  
namespace BankComponentClientApplication 
       public partial class Form1 : Form 
           public Form1() 
           //This method invokes the Customer service and creates a new customer 
           private void buttonCreateCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
               //Create a CustomerServiceClient  object 
               BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference1.CustomerServiceClient custClient = new BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference1.CustomerServiceClient(); 
               custClient.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress("http://hiro-xp:8080/soap/services/CustomerService?blob=mtom"); 
               //Enable BASIC HTTP authentication 
               BasicHttpBinding b = (BasicHttpBinding)custClient.Endpoint.Binding; 
               b.MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Mtom; 
               custClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "administrator"; 
               custClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password"; 
               b.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic; 
               b.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly; 
               b.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2000000; 
               b.MaxBufferSize = 2000000; 
               b.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = 2000000; 
               //Create a new Customer object 
               Customer myCustomer = new Customer();  
               //Populate the Customer fields with data entered into the Windows Form 
      = textBoxCity.Text; 
      = textBoxFirst.Text + " " + textBoxLast.Text; 
      = textBoxPhone.Text; 
               myCustomer.state = textBoxState.Text; 
               String myZIP = textBoxZIP.Text; 
      = Convert.ToInt32(myZIP);  
               myCustomer.street = textBoxStreet.Text;  
               //Invoke the LiveCycle operation named createCustomer 
               String custId = custClient.createCustomer(myCustomer); 
               //Set the Customer Id text box in the New Account Group Box 
              textBoxCustomerId.Text = custId; 
           //This method invokes the Account service and creates a new Account 
           private void buttonCreateAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
               //Create a CustomerServiceClient  object 
               BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference2.CustomerServiceClient accountClient = new BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference2.CustomerServiceClient(); 
               accountClient.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress("http://hiro-xp:8080/soap/services/AccountService?blob=mtom"); 
               //Enable BASIC HTTP authentication 
               BasicHttpBinding b = (BasicHttpBinding)accountClient.Endpoint.Binding; 
               b.MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Mtom; 
               accountClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "administrator"; 
               accountClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password"; 
               b.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic; 
               b.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly; 
               b.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2000000; 
               b.MaxBufferSize = 2000000; 
               b.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = 2000000; 
               //Create a BLOB to store the form associated with the account 
               BLOB inDoc = new BLOB(); 
               //Specify the PDF form 
               string path = "C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf"; 
               FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); 
               //Get the length of the file stream  
               int len = (int)fs.Length; 
               byte[] ByteArray = new byte[len]; 
               //Populate the byte array with the contents of the FileStream object 
               fs.Read(ByteArray, 0, len); 
               inDoc.MTOM = ByteArray;  
               //Determine the type of Account to create            
               if (comboBoxAccountType.Text == "Savings") 
                  //Create a AccountInfo object 
                   AccountInfo accountInfo = new AccountInfo(); 
                   accountInfo.customerId = textBoxCustomerId.Text; 
                   String accountBal = textBoxAccountBalance.Text; 
                   accountInfo.accountBalance = Convert.ToDouble(accountBal); 
                   //Get the Date information 
                   BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference2.DATE myDate = new BankComponentClientApplication.ServiceReference2.DATE(); 
                   DateTime time1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker1.Text); 
          = time1; 
                   accountInfo.accountOpenedDate = myDate;  
                   accountInfo.newAccountSignatureForm = inDoc; 
                   accountInfo.accountType = "Savings"; 
                   //Invoke the LiveCycle operation named createNewAccount 
                  long accountId =  accountClient.createNewAccount(AccountTypes.Savings,accountInfo); 
                   //Convert to a string 
                  String accString =  Convert.ToString(accountId); 
                   textBoxAccountId.Text = accString; 
           private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
               comboBoxAccountType.Text = "Savings"; 

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