Creating Java proxy classes using Apache Axis

You can use the Apache Axis WSDL2Java tool to convert a LiveCycle service into Java proxy classes. These classes enable you to invoke LiveCycle service operations. Using Apache Ant, you can generate Axis library files from a service WSDL. You can download Apache Axis at the URL

Note: The web service quick starts associated with the Forms service use Java proxy classes created using Apache Axis. The Forms web service quick starts also use Base64 as the encoding type. (See Forms Service API Quick Starts.)

You can generate Axis Java library files by performing the following steps:

  1. Install Apache Ant on the client computer. It is available at

    • Add the bin directory to your class path.

    • Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed Ant.

  2. Install Apache Axis 1.4 on the client computer. It is available at

  3. Set up the class path to use the Axis JAR files in your web service client, as described in the Axis installation instructions at

  4. Use the Apache WSDL2Java tool in Axis to generate Java proxy classes. Create an Ant build script to accomplish this task. The following script is a sample Ant build script named build.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
    <project name="axis-wsdl2java"> 
    <path id="axis.classpath"> 
    <fileset dir="C:\axis-1_4\lib" > 
        <include name="**/*.jar" /> 
    <taskdef resource="" classpathref="axis.classpath" /> 
    <target name="encryption-wsdl2java-client" description="task"> 
        url="http://localhost:8080/soap/services/EncryptionService?wsdl&amp;lc_version=9.0.1" > 

    Within this Ant build script, notice that the url property is set to reference the Encryption service WSDL running on localhost. The username and password properties must be set to a valid LiveCycle user name and password.

  5. Create a BAT file to execute the Ant build script. The following command can be located within a BAT file that is responsible for executing the Ant build script:

    ant -buildfile "build.xml" encryption-wsdl2java-client

    The JAVA files are written to the C:\JavaFiles folder as specified by the output property. To successfully invoke the LiveCycle service, import these JAVA files into your class path.

    By default, these files belong to a Java package named It is recommended that you place these JAVA files into a JAR file. Then import the JAR file into your client application’s class path.

    Note: There are different ways to put .JAVA files into a JAR. One way is using a Java IDE like Eclipse. Create a Java project and create package (all .JAVA files belong to this package). Next import all the .JAVA files into the package. Finally, export the project as a JAR file.
  6. Amend the URL in the EncryptionServiceLocator class to specify the encoding type. For example, to use base64, specify ?blob=base64 to ensure that the BLOB object returns binary data. That is, in the EncryptionServiceLocator class, locate the following line of code:


    and change it to:

  7. Add the following Axis JAR files to your Java project’s class path:

    • activation.jar

    • axis.jar

    • commons-codec-1.3.jar

    • commons-collections-3.1.jar

    • commons-discovery.jar

    • commons-logging.jar

    • dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar

    • jai_imageio.jar

    • jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar

    • jaxrpc.jar

    • log4j.jar

    • mail.jar

    • saaj.jar

    • wsdl4j.jar

    • xalan.jar

    • xbean.jar

    • xercesImpl.jar

    These JAR files are in the [install directory]/Adobe/LiveCycle9/sdk/lib/thirdparty directory.

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