Create an ASP.NET web application

Create a Microsoft .NET C# ASP.NET Web application. The following illustration shows the contents of the ASP.NET project named InvokePreLoanProcess.

Notice under Service References, there are two items. The first item is named JobManager. This reference enables the ASP.NET application to invoke the Job Manager service. This service returns information about the status of a long-lived process. For example, if the process is currently running, then this service returns a numeric value that specifies the process is currently running. The second reference is namedPreLoanProcess. This service reference represents the reference to the FirstAppSolution/PreLoanProcess process. After you create a Service Reference, data types associated with the LiveCycle service are available for use within your .NET project.

Create a ASP.NET project:

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

  2. From the File menu, select New, Web Site.

  3. In the Templates list, select ASP.NET Web Site.

  4. In the Location box, select a location for your project. Name your project InvokePreLoanProcess.

  5. In the Language box, select Visual C#

  6. Click OK.

Add service references:

  1. In the Project menu, select Add Service Reference.

  2. In the Address dialog box, specify the WSDL to the Job Manager service.

  3. In the Namespace field, type JobManager.

  4. Click Go and then click OK.

  5. In the Project menu, select Add Service Reference.

  6. In the Address dialog box, specify the WSDL to the FirstAppSolution/PreLoanProcess process.

  7. In the Namespace field, type PreLoanProcess.

  8. Click Go and then click OK.

Note: Replace hiro-xp with the IP address of the J2EE application server hosting LiveCycle. The lc_version option ensures that LiveCycle functionality, such as MTOM, is available. Without specifying the lc_version option, you cannot invoke LiveCycle using MTOM. (See Invoking LiveCycle using MTOM.)

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