Create a web project

The first step to create a web application is to create a web project. The Java IDE that this document is based on is Eclipse 3.3. Using the Eclipse IDE, create a web project and add the required JAR files to your project. Add an HTML page named index.html and a Java servlet to your project.

The following list specifies the JAR files to include in your web project:

  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

  • J2EE.jar

For the location of these JAR files, see Including LiveCycle Java library files.

Note: The J2EE.jar file defines data types used by a Java servlet. You can obtain this JAR file from the J2EE application server on which LiveCycle is deployed.

Create a web project

  1. Start Eclipse and click File > NewProject.

  2. In the New Project dialog box, select Web > Dynamic Web Project.

  3. Type InvokePreLoanProcess for the name of your project and then click Finish.

Add required JAR files to your project

  1. From the Project Explorer window, right-click the InvokePreLoanProcess project and select Properties.

  2. Click Java build path and then click the Libraries tab.

  3. Click the Add External JARs button and browse to the JAR files to include.

Add a Java servlet to your project

  1. From the Project Explorer window, right-click the InvokePreLoanProcess project and select New > Other.

  2. Expand the Web folder, select Servlet, and then click Next.

  3. In the Create Servlet dialog box, type SubmitXMLfor the name of the servlet and then click Finish.

Add an HTML page to your project

  1. From the Project Explorer window, right-click the InvokePreLoanProcess project and select New > Other.

  2. Expand the Web folder, select HTML, and click Next.

  3. In the New HTMLdialog box, type index.html for the filename and then click Finish.

Note: For information about creating HTML content that invokes the SubmitXML Java servlet, see Create the web page for the web application.

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