Package the web application to a WAR file

To deploy the Java servlet that invokes the FirstAppSolution/PreLoanProcess process, package your web application to a WAR file. Ensure that external JAR files that the component’s business logic depends on, such as adobe-livecycle-client.jar and adobe-usermanager-client.jar, are also included in the WAR file.

The following illustration shows the Eclipse project’s content, which is packaged to a WAR file.

Note: In the previous illustration, the JPG file can be replaced by any JPG image file.

Package a web application to a WAR file:

  1. From the Project Explorer window, right-click the InvokePreLoanProcess project and select Export > WAR file.

  2. In the Web module text box, type InvokePreLoanProcess for the name of the Java project.

  3. In the Destination text box, type PreLoanProcess.warfor thefilename, specify the location for your WAR file, and then click Finish.

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